“I’d rather be hurt than dead. You saved me.” She offered him a faint smile.
Zack gulped. He stared at her, and his thoughts drifted.
Either of them could have died just now.
Were both of them the intended target in this attack?
She had enough trauma to handle from the attack the other day, and the news about her brother cut through his heart. He’d made it his duty to be her big brother when they’d first met in foster care.
Two broken kids finding solace.
“Zack.” Naya waved her hands in front of him. “Did you black out?” Then she shrieked. “That fire is getting close to the trees.”
He whipped his head around, and a wave of lightheadedness clouded his vision.
Wrong move.
He put his hand to his cheek to massage the corner of his eye. But when he pulled away, his palm was stained red. He’d have to assess the extent of the injury later. Right now, they needed to stop a wildfire before it started.
Flames engulfed the vehicle and licked at the grass along the gravel road. Smoke rose in the air. Tall oak trees stood a few feet off the path. It was only a matter of time before the leaves succumbed to fueling the blaze.
“Call 9-1-1. Tell them we need the fire department and police here, stat.” He tossed her his phone and stood up. “I’m going to find something to contain the flames before they get worse. I won’t go far.” The gravel road could work in their favor, keeping the fire in a contained area, but they’d have to work fast.
They were close to the main road, which meant the stream that ran through the mountain trail should be nearby. But was there enough time to get the water up here?
Naya called dispatch while he searched for anything that could hold liquid, or a way to smother the fire with dirt.
Footsteps descended behind him, and a twig snapped. Was her attacker back?
He spun, prepared to defend himself with his fists.
“It’s just me.” Naya held up her good hand. “I’m going to help you put out the fire.”
“Sorry.” Zack grimaced.
He found a few pieces of wood that had broken apart in a U-shape.Thick enough to hold dirt. It would be slow going, but at least it was a way to starve the fire of oxygen.
Zack handed Naya one of the pieces. “Shovel some dirt into here. We can throw it on the fire.”
Naya followed his lead. They threw dirt on the edges of the grass, which smothered some flames.
“It’s working. Keep at it.” Zack shoveled more dirt into his makeshift basin.
A few minutes later, sirens pierced the air.
Zack raced back to the road but kept his distance from the car. He braced his hands on his thighs to catch his breath.
Engine 14 screeched to a stop, blocking the width of the road. Amelia hopped out, decked in her black-and-yellow reflective gear. The other crew members, Izan, Zoe, and Della, followed behind. “Let’s get the hoses started. I want a trench around here. Don’t let the flames touch any kindling.”
Izan pulled out the hose and ran it toward the blaze while Della cranked the wheel to start the water.
Zoe grabbed a pickaxe and began to rip out the grass to make a barrier.
They’d come.
Zack knew what to do to put the fire out. But with the rest of the squad and their equipment here, he wouldn’t have to face the blaze alone.
Two police cruisers whipped around the corner and parked behind the engine followed by an ambulance. A few seconds later, Basuto climbed from one while Ramble and Wilcox stepped out of the other.