Page 42 of Rescued Duty

“They certainly have motive to keep you from writing the story,” Zack said. “Especially if there’s something else happening behind the scenes with this group. Maybe they aren’t who they say they are.”

She’d be doing more research when she got to her computer.

They bagged the keychain as evidence they’d be able to show the police, even if it wasn’t an official search—or an official case. That wouldn’t stop her from writing up her findings later and publishing the story one day.

Zack carried the weighted brown bag back to the car. “I’ll drop you back at Bridgewater, then swing by the station to hand in our findings.”

“Sounds good.” Naya rolled down the car window to let the fresh air in and leaned her head back.

Zack weaved his way down the service road.

A strange smell wafted past Naya. It grew stronger with each second that passed on the drive down the mountain.

“Is that gas?” She stuck her head out the window and sniffed.

“I smell something too. Hang on.” Zack put the car in Park and walked around to the back of the vehicle.

In the side mirror’s reflection, Zack ducked behind the right rear tire.

A second later he called out, “Something’s leaking.”

Naya got out of the car, walked over to the fuel tank, and popped open the compartment. “What’s that?” She stared at a metal pipe with a cap on each end.

“It’s a bomb.” He backed up a step and grabbed her hand, tugging her away from the vehicle.

His pull sent her stumbling into him.

“We’ve got to move,” he gasped. “It’s going to explode.”

Naya wrapped her arm around his and ran. Her breath caught in her throat, but she followed Zack’s lead down the gravel path. An explosion rocked the air in the same moment the force reverberated in her chest.

A boom resounded in her ears.

A wave of heat propelled her forward and sent her tumbling to the ground. Shrapnel rained down around her and several nails bounced off the ground.

And all she knew was Zack, holding her, shielding her with his body.


Zack stuck out his foot to halt the momentum that kept them rolling. He tugged Naya closer to himself. His leg skidded across the gravel until they came to a stop. Specks of dirt burned his eyes, and he blinked.

An explosive?

The fuse poking out from the capped end of the pipe had alerted him to the danger.

Someone had tried to kill them.

The heat from the blast was so intense that the back of his shirt stuck to him with sweat, and Zack breathed hard. Naya’s body trembled next to him, and he eased up on his grip to give her room.

“Are you hurt?” Zack slid back so she could sit up. His shoulder throbbed, and pain radiated down his arm. Blood and small pebbles caked his forearm where the skin had broken.

“I think I’m okay.”

He pushed aside the pounding of his own injuries. As long as she was okay, that’s what mattered.

A few minor cuts covered her face, and some leaves were caught in her hair. He reached out his hand and plucked theleaves and let them fall to the ground. Then he used the pad of his thumb to wipe away dirt on her forehead.

“I hope I didn’t injure your arm more.” He scanned her face, waiting for an accusation or indication that she was hurt more than she let on.