Page 39 of Rescued Duty


“And the rest of you?”

Okay, she was doing a bad job of hiding how she really felt. She turned in her seat to face him. “I’ll be okay.”

Zack gave her a raised eyebrow.

Well, she could hope it would be true.

The sun glistened off the trees, a few of which already had their pink blossoms. Birds chirped and flew around, gathering twigs and other objects to build their nests. It was a perfect, serene day.

Just like the previous one, where she’d nearly died.

The blue skies and vibrant scenery painted a picture that didn’t share the whole story.

Lord, I need Your peace. I’m tempted to let anxiety take over. I know You’ve been with me before. And you promise You’re near me now.

Naya walked up the short hill and froze halfway. She stood close enough to the pinnacle that she had a full view of the shrubs and brush to her right and the overlook on her left.

Her breath came in short pants, and when she tried to suck in air, her ribcage tightened, refusing to let oxygen into her lungs. Sometimes, revisiting a traumatic situation was good for processing emotions and moving on from the experience. There was no use letting fear hold her captive. But Naya’s body protested her decision to come back up here.

“You okay?” Zack stopped in front of her, blocking her view up ahead.

She wanted to scream. Of course she wasn’t okay. How could she be after someone had tried to kill her? Naya wished she could shake the memories off and forget anything had ever happened.

Or realize she was reliving someone else’s story and the details had become too vivid in her own mind. Better yet, she wished it was a nightmare that someone needed to wake her up from.

“I’m going to be sick.” Naya brushed past Zack and walked as fast as her sore ankle would allow and made it to the edge of the burnt grass. A second later she threw up.

She stayed hunched over, her stomach cramping. With her good hand propped on her knee, Naya let the tears come.

There was so much hardship in life, and her job was to seek it out and write about it. But when it came to her own life, she’d rather hide from the story.

In her thirty years, Naya had witnessed more trials than anyone should have to endure. Was it going to end?

Every time, it begged the same question. Where was the hope?

Fix your gaze on Me. I’m your living hope.

The reminder from her time memorizing 1 Peter 1 filled her soul, and a sense of peace came with it.

The Lord was her hope. She didn’t have to despair or lose sight of that truth. Yet it didn’t change the current situation, did it? It never did, but it was still as real as anything she could see or feel.

“Here.” Zack’s frame came into view, and he handed her a white cloth.

She lifted her teary gaze to his and wiped her mouth. “Thanks.”

“There’s a bench over there you can sit on. I can take care of investigating.”

“I’ll be fine.” Naya didn’t want to be left alone. Not like last time. Because there might be someone hiding. Waiting. Her eyes scanned the perimeter, searching. “Can you stay with me for now?”

Zack must have understood what she was referring to, because he placed his hand over top of hers and stretched out his other arm.

Beckoning her into his embrace. Like he knew how much asking him not to go had cost her.

Naya wrapped her arm around him and leaned her head against his chest.

He didn’t say a word. Simply held her close.