The buzzing continued, and Zack groped for his phone in the dark and shut off the alarm.
He was safe. In his apartment.
Just to be sure, he flicked on his lamp and sniffed.
Nothing out of the ordinary set off his senses.
Zack rubbed the nape of his neck, then stumbled his way into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of ice water.
The rescue yesterday had impacted him more than he’d realized.
After overexerting himself on the side of a deadly hill, he’d followed it up with going to another call. Even if it was only so Naya could see it.
I just don’t want you to get hurt.Their conversation remained etched in his mind. Zack wanted to restore their friendship. Show Naya how much she meant to him. He’d assumed she wanted nothing to do with him. Even more so after how he responded at the hospital. Telling her to talk to the police then leaving.
But her words told a different story.
His heart echoed the same sentiment. He wanted her to take every precaution to avoid getting hurt. If her words were sincere, then he didn’t want to lose his chance.
A chance to be part of her life again.
The possibility made him want to take fewer risks on the job if it meant he’d be around longer for Naya. The fire yesterday had been a stark reminder of what his line of work entailed.
Even after he’d driven her home, they hadn’t said much to each other, but he hadn’t wanted to leave without knowing he’d see her again.
All the events had exhausted him enough for memories of the past to resurface. Memories of his own house fire. The one Zack had blamed on himself for years. Thanks to his dad’s friend, the former fire chief, who’d made sure Zack understood whose fault it was.
Now, with the new information from the case, he knew it wasn’t true. Zack had been a kid. His parents’ deaths hadn’t been his fault. But nothing could alter the outcome.
Zack slid the file over on the counter and flipped through the pages.
He wanted to find his parents’ killer.
Yet what good would it do? The truth wouldn’t bring his parents back.
He closed the file, then turned on the microwave light and pulled out a pan to fry up some eggs.
His phone dinged with a calendar reminder. He and Naya planned to meet up at Bridgewater Café to discuss the details she’d gathered for her story.
Zack might not be able to bring his parents back, but he sure could protect Naya from a similar fate.
He had time before he needed to leave, given it was only six in the morning. So much for sleeping in on his day off. It would give him a chance to be productive though.
He added salt and pepper to his scramble, then sat down and pulled out his Bible. He needed to refocus his mind and prepare for the day ahead. When the sea billows rolled, like the old hymn said, he needed the anchor that would hold him fast.
Zack opened to Isaiah 43.
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
Zack breathed in.
You are mine.
He was the Lord’s. He’d been rescued, and he didn’t walk this road alone. How could he take this truth to heart and not let it be head knowledge?
When you walk through…
Zack grimaced. Of course. Experience brought the truth to light. Given the last few days, he needed the Lord’s strength for the fiery journey in front of him.