Page 33 of Rescued Duty

She was just being paranoid, reading something into what Sylvia had said. This was just the outcome of a life where she’d been hurt one too many times. Pain had left marks like tattoos she hadn’t consented to on her heart. That, and a host of memories even time hadn’t been able to fade.

Naya turned to see the status of the fire, but it was all just chaos to her. Where was Zack? He could explain where they were at with it.

“Help!” A scream curdled the air and drowned out the noises around her.

A gray-haired woman in a robe dangled from a piece of wood off the side balcony. Flames licked inches below her bare feet. A firefighter perched on the ladder that extended up to the window, but it was just out of reach.

“That’s my wife.” A man with gray-peppered hair and who still wore a business suit shoved past Naya and ran to a firefighter staring at the scene from the ground. “What are you doing?” he barked. “Don’t just stand there. She’s going to fall!”

Naya weaved her way through people running about and followed the same route he’d gone. She approached the man and touched his arm. “Mr. Callahan?”

Sure enough, Roger turned around at his name. If she could distract him long enough to let the rescue crew do their job, maybe he wouldn’t panic and get in the way.

It was worth a try, at least.

“Naya Michél.” She extended her hand, except he stared at her without reciprocating the gesture. “This crew will work hard to get your wife out safely, but they need you to hang back so they can get their job done. It’s what they’re trained for.”

“Trained to stand around and watch while one guy lets my wife burn alive. Same with the cops. Doing nothing while those protestors cause havoc on my street.” His face reddened. “They’re the reason this is happening.”


“If it wasn’t for those protestors, my wife wouldn’t be in danger.” He huffed, not even watching the firefighter lift his wife to safety. “My house wouldn’t be in ruins.”

“These people are well within their rights to stage a peaceful protest on public property.” Naya stood her ground despite Roger closing the gap between them. His close proximity might make her appear smaller, but she wouldn’t take the bait. “You have quite the power, Mr. Callahan, to make a difference. How do you plan to remediate this situation and these people’s concerns regarding the products your company puts on the market?”

Callahan took a step toward her and lowered his stature until he was at eye level. “With legal action,” he sneered.

He thought she would back down?

He hadn’t met her.

“Why not simply take your products off the market until they’re tested? Give everyone peace of mind.” Naya kept her voice steady. “Surely that would defuse this volatile situation.”

“You listen here, little lady.” Callahan jabbed a finger in her face.

Okay, now she was getting mad. “Mr. Callahan—” She clenched her teeth.

“We have our best practices, and regulators monitor everything we do. I don’t need to answer any of your questions. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He took long strides to the edge of the grassy area.

Naya shook her head. Zack stood at the base of the fire truck, spotting the firefighter who had Mrs. Callahan nearly to the bottom of the ladder.

“You firefighters aren’t doing your job. Hurry up.” A few expletives spewed from his mouth. “Get her over here. Now!”

Two officers raced to his side and blocked his way.

“Let me get to my wife.” He shoved at them.

Naya headed in Zack’s direction. Her eyes blurred, and she blinked.

“You seem to have a keen sense for following trouble.”

Naya spun around at Tucker’s voice. Of course he’d find her amidst the crowd. She took a step to the side to keep from falling over. That wouldn’t be a good look in front of her work nemesis.

“And it seems to like you too.” He dipped his chin at her arm sling. “What happened?”

“You should know better than to think some malicious force targets people. And you should know I don’t believe that either.” Her mission wasn’t to spread gossip or uncover secrets only to splay them on the page for the whole world to gawk at. Of all people, Tucker should know her.

He blinked. “Right. The God thing. How could I forget?”