Page 31 of Rescued Duty

“Is something wrong?” Zack’s gaze darted between her and the rest of the crew.

She waved her hand and stepped toward the foyer. “I need to call for a ride.”

Zack’s radio buzzed.Fire at 270 Cobblestone Court. Victim trapped.

Naya froze. “That’s the address from my research.” None of the crew moved from their seats. “That’s the CEO’s house. For Ethos.”

Zack ran his fingers through his hair. “And you want to go investigate it.” He scrunched his brow.

“I can call Ingram.” Naya scanned the foyer for a pay phone.

“Lieutenant.” Zack walked over to his boss. “I’m gonna go take a look. Off the clock.”

“Don’t forget the team, Stephens. I better see you back here soon.”

A muscle twitched in Zack’s jaw, but Naya refrained from asking what Bryce meant.

“Come on.” He extended his arm to let her through the sliding doors first.

Naya raised her brow. Now Zack wanted to help her? After he’d been adamant about her going to the police instead. If she wanted to get to the scene of the fire, there was no time to argue.

Naya slid into the passenger seat of Zack’s car.

Buildings and trees blurred past them, and Naya tapped her foot against the floorboard. “This could be a big lead.” The spark needed to write this story. And she was about to be the first on the scene.

“You think this was intentional?” Zack sped through a green light.

“Something warranted the start of the blaze. I want to know what.”

They pulled up to the scene, and fire trucks and police cars blocked the several hundred feet surrounding the house. An orange ball lit up the front porch while gray billows spewed into the air. No one was getting in or out of the front door.

Naya closed her door, then followed Zack to the curb. The house was tucked on its own piece of property, but two other four-car garage houses sat back in the distance with enough space to provide privacy for each owner.

Naya and Zack approached the front entrance and walked around the blue police barriers. The flames crackled andsnapped. Even from forty feet away, the heat warmed Naya’s face. The gated cobblestone driveway provided limited space for entering, and Ramble stood at the gate, arms crossed, keeping onlookers at bay.

“I’m here to help the crews.” Zack nodded to Ramble.

Naya flashed her press badge.

“Let the guys do their work.” Ramble ushered them through. “This is an ugly one.”

Dark, thick clouds of smoke enveloped the area, and the breeze carried them through the air. Gushing water pounded against the roof, combating the flames.

Naya let out a cough. “Zack. Wait.” One wrong move and someone could get seriously hurt. Naya gulped. The reality of the situation sat like the thick smoke on her chest.

Firefighters in full turnout gear whizzed past her. Zack spun around. He had one foot on the grass, the other still on the driveway. He turned to the commotion behind him.

“Let’s get the ladders ready!” one of the firefighters yelled while the crew raced around. He must be of higher rank given the different uniform he wore. “I don’t want this becoming a three-alarm call.”

“Be careful. Please.” She stepped forward and took a breath to steady herself.

Zack focused back on Naya. “I’ll be fine. I just want to see if they need help.”

This was what Zack did every day. Put his life on the line.

Naya bit her lip and nodded. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.” There’d been a time when they had promised to always stand by each other. But the hope of that happening had caught fire and burned a long time ago. So why was her heart yearning for it again?

“I’ll be back in a few.” His eyes widened. “Watch your back too.”