This man had a way of making any situation memorable.
He tucked the card in his pocket, then took her hand in his. “Come with me for a sec.” He guided her out of the room, through the hall, and outside into the parking lot.
Naya turned her back to the sun so she didn’t have to squint.
“Ah, much better.” He gave her a hug, and Naya breathed in his fresh pine scent.
She leaned back but kept her hands clasped in his and looked up. “What is?”
“You. Me. With a moment to ourselves.”
Despite all the excitement inside, Zack had still seen her. Naya wanted to melt in his embrace and forget about all other responsibilities. “Thank you for not forgetting about me.”
“You’re pretty unforgettable.” Zack tilted her chin and ran his finger along her jaw. “In all the best ways. The thought of losing you again…” His forehead creased. “Thinking I might lose you again is terrifying. I don’t want that to happen.”
Naya squeezed his hand. “Neither do I.”
Zack rocked back on his feet. “Do you have any plans tomorrow?”
Naya’s breath caught, but she told herself not to jump to conclusions. “Depends on why you want to know. I’ve had enough excitement to last me the rest of my life.”
“I suppose I could figure out how to make a date extra boring.” Zack cocked his head. “Let’s see. We could?—”
“A date?” Naya interrupted him. Giddiness coursed through her head and brought with it the most pleasant lightheaded sensation. “That’s some excitement I’m willing to have.”
“Well, in that case, can I pick you up tomorrow afternoon at four?” He winked.
A month ago, Naya would have had reservations about saying yes because of the way Tucker—and Zack, or so she’d thought—had treated her.
Zack had changed her mind and shown her that godly, and attractive, for that matter, men still existed.
“I’d be honored.” Naya grinned and wrapped her arms around Zack’s neck.
“I was hoping you’d say that.” Zack lowered his head and sealed his lips to hers, light and unhurried.
Naya leaned into his frame and closed her eyes, letting everything else fade into the background.
Zack had fought for her, and she was ready to return the favor. She wasn’t going to let him walk this path alone. Whateverthe next several months brought, Naya wanted to stick by him. And she prayed tomorrow would just be the start.
Zack’s stomach twisted in knots. He tucked Naya’s letter back in his pocket and grabbed another water from the fridge. The number of callouts today had been enough to distract him.
Until now.
In fifteen minutes, he’d be heading out on a date with Naya. The best way to spend a Friday afternoon. A normal day without running for his life, thanks to the arrests a few days ago that put Roger and Hudson behind bars.
Still, Zack rubbed the base of his neck and moved his head side to side.
This was Naya he was seeing. She’d seen all the good and ugly, so why was he panicking?
Because this wasNaya.
One of his closest friends from childhood. A girl who’d turned into a beautiful woman, who somehow saw enough in him that she’d been willing to say yes to a date.
Her kindness and willingness to see through his flaws to who he was becoming stirred his heart. He didn’t deserve a chance with her. But somehow, her once-calloused heart had opened up to him of all people.
He’d read her letter a few times just to make sure this was real.