“That’s exactly what I want to do, but that goal hasn’t been my focus so far.” She’d pursued enough stories where her life was on the line. It had meant discovering stories that would keep people’s attention. And people tended to focus on bad news. No wonder the search for truth had grown exhausting.
“The Lord will show you the way forward. Keep praying and trusting.”
“Right back at ya. How are you doing with everything?” Naya glanced in her rearview mirror, and the sun gleamed off the glass.
The urge to watch her back lingered, and it would be a while until a sense of safety became the norm again.
“Every day gets better. The hardest part is reconciling the Will I want to remember from the good times while we were dating, and the Will who was involved in the massive cover-up and affair.”
“However I can help, I’m here. And so is Jesus. He’ll show you the way forward.”
“I actually just submitted an extended leave of absence from Ethos.” A smile filled Ingram’s voice.
“You deserve it, girl. What are you going to do with all the time?”
“Buy a plane ticket and go visit relatives in India. It’s been too long. I need to get away from the memories here for a while.”
“That sounds like a great idea.” Naya still hadn’t worked up the nerve to drive by Ethos for fear that it would trigger the memories of what she’d almost lost.
Who she could have lost.
The firefighters had worked hard to contain the blaze at Ethos, but the repairs would take months.
The Lord’s grace had been evident over the whole situation. He’d taken the trials and the tragedy of the past and brought something good from them. He’d kept them safe. He’d shown her how to stand up for the truth. And He’d brought Zack back into her life.
She still couldn’t believe Zack had worked to get them out safely and even put his own life on the line to protect her. They’d even worked together.
As a team.
One more scenario that confirmed the kind of man Zack was—selfless, humble, and courageous.
A man she could see herself loving and building a life with.
It might have only been two days since she’d seen Zack, but she couldn’t wait to spend time with him and talk.
“Let me know when that trip is booked, ’cause I need to give you a giant hug. If Coco needs a place to stay too, I have the space.” Naya got out of her car. She grabbed two bags from the backseat and slid them on her arm.
“So, you like my cat?” Ingram chuckled.
“He’s cute. We’ve bonded.” Thanks to the few nights she’d stayed at Ingram’s place in the past week.
“I’m sure he’d be happier with you than boarded up somewhere.”
“Then it’s settled.” Naya ended the call and headed into the firehouse.
Zack wasn’t due on shift for another hour and a half, so that should give the crew plenty of time to pull off their celebration plan to welcome him back. Thanks to Tucker’s and Hudson’s confessions about the article, everything had been cleared, and Zack’s suspension had been lifted.
Naya couldn’t wait to see his reaction when he came into work today. She’d even parked in the alleyway so he wouldn’t spot her vehicle when he arrived.
“Let me grab that.” Eddie met her at the front door and took a few of the bags.
“Thanks for helping me put this together,” she said. They made their way into the common room and spread out the supplies. A “welcome back” banner, streamers, photos from different events at the firehouse, and cupcakes.
Izan made his way into the room. “Just tell us what we can do.” He clapped his hands.
“Right there with you,” Ridge and Bryce said.
The girls followed in behind and nodded their agreement.