Page 109 of Rescued Duty

She must have sensed his hesitancy, because she grabbed his hand. “Whatever happens, you didn’t cause this mess, Zack. You’re the hero. My hero.” Her lip quivered.

Lord, help me get us out of here. You brought Naya back into my life. Please don’t let this be the end.

“Naya, I love you. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I needed you to hear that from me.” He wiped a tear off her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

“I love you too, Zack.” She pulled in a breath. “Tell me what to do. I’m ready to fight this till the end.”

“One of the many reasons why I love you.” He pulled away and handed her the gallon jug of water. “Dump half of this out. We’re going to make a rocket.”

The smell of smoke continued to intensify, and Zack coughed.

Zack took the lid from the water bottle and used the X-ACTO knife to make a small incision.

Naya held the half-empty water container and Zack twisted the lid back on before pouring the butane in. Then he uncapped the jug.

He had no idea what room they were in, and if he sent this off in the direction of the fire, the explosion would be lethal. There was nothing he could do to control the situation. No way to calculate the odds of staying out of trouble.

This is in Your hands, Lord. Only You can save us. One way or another.

“Back up, Naya. I’m going to shoot this off into the ceiling.”

She moved to the door.

Zack flipped the bottle over and let go. The container sizzled and shot up into the air, then catapulted into the ceiling.

Zack twisted his body and shielded his eyes. Liquid sprayed him, and plaster rained down around them.

“It worked.” Naya jumped up.

“Let me help you.” Zack bent down on one knee and held out his hands.

Naya placed her foot into his hold, and he hoisted her up. She pulled away some of the remaining plaster so she could squeeze through then grabbed hold of a beam in the ceiling and swung her leg.

A cry escaped her lips.

“You okay?”

“It’s my elbow. I’ll be fine.” She cradled her arm. “I’m in.” Naya coughed. “The smoke smells stronger up here.”

“Hang on.” Zack backed up against the opposite wall, then sprinted to the other side of the room. He pushed off the wall and stretched out his hand to grip a beam from the exposed ceiling. With one hand wrapped around the wood, he used his other to push up.

The weight crumbled the plaster, and he lost his grip. His arm dangled and he dropped back to the ground. Dust flew in his eyes.

“Zack,” Naya screamed.

“I’m fine.” He wiped his face, then ran across the room and jumped once more. He swung his legs up and over and gripped the beam.

He’d made it.

He lay there for a minute staring at the floor below. His chest heaved.

“Which way do we go?” Naya shifted in the enclosed space, and her arms brushed his.

Minimal light filtered into the space, and it took a second for his eyes to adjust. They could go forward or backward. “Let’s try this way.” Zack pointed straight ahead and inched his way through the space first. If they ran into any obstacles, Zack wanted to take the initial hit.

More light streamed up ahead.

“We’re getting closer to something,” Naya said.