Page 108 of Rescued Duty

“I did you a favor by having that note put on your car. Too bad you didn’t listen.” Roger walked out behind Hudson and slammed the door shut.


Zack gritted his teeth and yanked on the ties around his arms. Instead of loosening, they only dug into his skin. He walked over to Naya, strapped in the chair.

“We need to find a way out of here.” Her voice rose.

“And we will. I won’t let us pay the price for the trouble they’ve caused.” Zack crouched down next to her. “Are you okay?” A bruise had formed on her cheek, and Zack swallowed hard. If Roger or Hudson had done that…

He ground his teeth.

Naya nodded. “Callahan shot Ingram.” She pinched her eyes shut and a tear fell. “I don’t know if”—she gulped—“if she’s alive or not.”

Zack wanted to wipe the tear and console Naya, but each second that ticked by narrowed their chances of escaping.

“Let’s get out of here. Then we’ll find her.” He offered a smile for her sake, then inspected the ropes around her wrists. Roger had used rope, unlike the plastic restraints Hudson had fastened on Zack. It made it harder to undo, but not impossible.

“Can you twist your way out?”

Naya tried to work at the ropes, but with her arms behind her back, the ropes didn’t budge. “I can’t.”

“Hang on.” Zack stepped back and lifted his hands high in the air, then yanked them down and out in front of him. His bonds snapped, and he tossed the zip ties aside.

Zack scanned the room for a sharp object that would cut Naya’s ropes. He opened a metal standing cabinet in the back corner of the room.

A stack of papers, cans, and office supplies occupied the shelving. A quick spin of the desk organizer on the top rack revealed pens, paper clips, and…


An X-ACTO knife was mixed in with the writing supplies.

“I’m going to help you get out of this chair, but I need you to trust me.”

Naya’s wide eyes stared at the knife in his hand. “Okay.”

Zack circled around behind her and knelt. He tugged on the rope, pulling it away from her wrist to create a gap. He slid the knife down and out toward him. With the swift motion, the fibers frayed, then snapped.

Naya rubbed her wrists and stood up. “Thanks.” She brushed her matted and tangled curls away from her face. “Let’s get out of here.”

“You go check the door. I’m going to see what’s back here.” Zack raced over to the supplies against the wall. A few empty paint cans sat on a tarp next to a water jug and aerosol containers. He picked up the gray aerosol can.


That could get them out of here.

He shook it.


“The door won’t budge.” Naya yanked on the knob. “And the window’s got wiring in the glass.”

Zack picked up the other aerosol can and pressed down on the valve. Liquid hissed from the top. “I’ve got a plan!”

Naya raced back over to Zack. “Do you smell that?”

He sniffed. “Smoke.” There was no way to tell where the fire was coming from. If his idea backfired, they’d be dead.

He needed to be honest with Naya. In case they didn’t make it out of this room alive, she deserved to know how he felt.