Zack stood to full height. “Telling the truth is easy. Either you wrote it, or you didn’t.” Bryce stood nearby talking to Ridge, who pointed to the river. “And my boss should hear what you have to say. In case you didn’t know, defamation is a serious offense.”
Tiny beads of sweat broke out along Tucker’s hairline. “I was coerced into publishing that piece. They’re not even my own words, dude.” Tucker’s eyes widened.
Zack ground his teeth. “You submitted a story you didn’t even write? Why?”
“He promised me money. Said he could help me get the promotion. He’d make it look like Naya wrote the story.”
“Who put you up to the task?”
“Some guy from Ethos.”
“I dunno, Hudson something. I don’t remember his last name.”
Of course Hudson would have had knowledge of Zack’s childhood problems.
Why meddle in Zack’s life now? So many years had gone by since that season of teenage angst and all those dumb fights. Why did the guy still hold a grudge?
Zack waved to get Detective Wilcox’s attention.
“What are you going to do?” Tucker’s eyes darted around.
“I’m going to have a talk with Hudson.” Zack shoved his hands in his pockets. “And let the police handle you.”
“Whoa.” Tucker held out his hand. “I’d be careful with that dude. He’s not someone to mess around with.”
“And neither are people’s reputations,” Zack said.
“C’mon, man.” Trace walked up to Tucker. “You need to get checked out. Protocol.” Trace, Kianna, and Wilcox escorted a resistant Tucker away.
Zack walked off to the side and leaned against a tree. The rescue crew followed orders to secure the scene. The team heshouldbe on right now. Zack pulled up the phone number for Ethos. It was time to put an end to all of this for good. He’d dealt with Hudson many times before and nothing had changed; the guy was still a bully. But Zack could handle him.
“Thank you for calling Ethos. How may I direct your call?” A woman’s voice came over the line.
“I’d like to speak with Hudson Callahan.”
“I’m sorry. He’s currently in a meeting. I could set up a three o’clock appointment.”
“That’s fine.”
Zack had an hour to spare. He walked over to the truck just when Eddie closed up the side compartment.
“How are you holding up?” Eddie leaned against the truck.
“Glad it was just a close call today.”
“You and me both, man.”
“There’re so many moving parts to all of this. I turn one way and there’s a hurdle. I look the other direction and there’s a boulder. It’s like being pushed to the sidelines, unable to do anything.”
“You don’t give up easily, though.”
That he didn’t. One of the worst feelings was inadequacy. Being unable to do something worthwhile. Zack fought against it like a firefighter breaking down a wall. He wanted to be useful. Zack rubbed his forehead. “Tucker fessed up about the story. One of the guys at Ethos got him to write it.”
“That better speed up the investigation. Get you back on Rescue with us.”
“How’re the guys?” Zack shifted his gaze. The rest of the crew gathered their equipment and headed up from the river. Did any of them really miss him? Even notice he was gone?