Tucker braced his arms on the railing. He glanced back. “It’s too late.”
The brief moment of hesitation gave Zack enough time to close the distance.
Tucker let go of his hold and leaned forward.
“No!” Zack reached over the edge and gripped the back of Tucker’s jacket. He yanked with one hand and wrapped his other arm around the man’s torso.
“Let me go,” Tucker yelled.
Zack pulled the man over the railing and tackled him to the ground. The bridge groaned under the sudden force of added weight.
Sirens pierced the air.
The structure shifted, and Zack braced his hand along the wood, his back on the ground.
“You should have let me die alone.” Tucker’s chest heaved.
“Why’d you do it?”
“I didn’t have a choice.” Sweat beaded on Tucker’s brow, and he lay on the bridge and leaned his head against the slats.
“Your life is worth more than this choice.”
The bridge jerked. Zack scrambled to a crouched position and braced himself. He peered over his shoulder. The paved walkway that led to the bridge was only a few feet away. They could make it to solid ground.
He wasn’t going to let them die. They were too close to the truth.
Zack wedged his arms under Tucker’s and grunted. The man held on to the railing, not making it easy for Zack. “You’ve got to let go.” Zack used all his weight to pull the man backward.
The bridge creaked and wood snapped apart. Splashes resounded. More pieces broke apart and threatened to pull Zack and Tucker with them.
“I don’t care what you wanted. I’m not going down today,” Zack said through clenched teeth.
Tucker released his grip from the railing and pushed against the wood with his feet, creating more distance between them and a deadly descent. Zack dragged Tucker a few more steps, and the two collapsed on the dirt.
Zack shifted to his side and exhaled—right when the rest of the bridge splashed into the water below.
“You all right, hero?” Eddie loomed overhead and extended his hand.
“Could be worse.” Zack gripped his friend’s hand and stood up.
Trace and Kianna hovered over Tucker, ready to take his vitals.
“I’m fine,” Tucker huffed. “No thanks to that guy.” He stood up and shooed off the EMTs, but Trace and Kianna stayed nearby.
The rest of rescue crew worked to clear the area of bystanders.
“What were you thinking?” Zack clenched his hands.
“The money isn’t worth it. Not when my career is now destroyed.”
“Because of the story?”
“I should have never taken the information Naya gave me.”
Zack pulled in a breath. “So she wrote it, then?” He would not let this guy use Naya as a scapegoat. “That’s the excuse you’re going with?”
Tucker’s face went slack. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with.”