Page 89 of Fallout

“Good afternoon.” Jasper set his phone on the podium. The breeze ruffled his hair, but he ignored the need to press it back down. The suit he wore was one he’d had in his locker, since he’d showered at the precinct. “I’m Detective Jasper Hollingsworth. I have with me Police Commissioner Russ Franklin, Captain Dennis McCauley, and Destiny Reed, who is representing Vanguard Private Security and Investigations.”

He didn’t look at her, or he’d get distracted all over again by the dress she’d put on, even though she had a blazer over it. Her sisters had shown up at the police department to help her fix her hair. The Famous Ones had been absent since the takedown. They were the “action, please, no paperwork, thanks” kind of operatives the police department would never see eye to eye with.

But he would be forever grateful to them for how they’d saved and protected Destiny.

“Each of us, not just up here but each of you, has been touched personally by the actions of a criminal kingpin who has terrorized Benson for a number of months now. No one has been able to ignore this man’s activity, and as a community, we’ve seen people come together. Groups previously at odds have shaken hands and worked alongside each other.”

He glanced around. “Companies that protect us, even when we don’t realize they are doing so, have worked tirelessly with the police department, partnering to keep Benson safe. And law enforcement would like to extend our gratitude to Vanguard for their assistance.”

Destiny’s smile had an edge to it. Probably because he’d said, “assistance.” As if he’d give them more credit than that.

Jasper watched Captain McCauley hand Destiny a plaque. They stood beside each other for a photo, and then he went back to the podium.

“Benson’s first responder community and our federal agent partners arrested Marcus Harper today, the mastermind behind a container ship bombing in Tacoma two decades ago. More recently, Mr. Harper has proven himself a worthy adversary. But the cause of justice is something we all must answer to. And Mr. Harper’s day has come.” Jasper looked around at the crowd, realizing how many reporters were recording this with their phones.

He said, “Charges were filed this morning, and the Benson district attorney’s office will now be taking the baton from the police department. Mr. Harper will face a judge. The police department and our partners will be working with the DA to ensure justice is served. Thank you all for coming.”

He turned away from the podium while the crowd erupted into questions.

The few he heard were about him and Destiny. To answer the question without saying anything, he wrapped his arm around her, and they headed away together. Up the steps into the police department.

He hit the button on the post to be admitted. They stepped into the lobby and the hallway that separated the PD’s ground-floor presence from the FBI satellite office.

None of the people here looked happy. The agents hadn’t come out for the press conference and were instead having a group meeting. A picture of the traitorous agent who had been outside Harper’s house hung on the whiteboard.

Stella walked to the window and lowered the blinds.

“Well, then.”

Jasper squeezed Destiny’s shoulders. “I’m sure they’ll find him and figure out what’s going on.”

“I’m just glad Simon is all right.”

“Seems to me like there’s a whole lot of ‘all right’ going around.” He turned to her, and she slid her arms over his shoulders to lace her fingers around the back of his neck. He said, “My dad. Your brother. Me, you. Clare and Gage and Baby Kara. Peter and Selena. Simon is back at his desk where he wants to be.”

She nodded. “It does seem like a lot of ‘all right’ and more.”

“Mmm.” He lowered his head and kissed her. This wasn’t going to get old anytime soon. There was so much to discover, and their lives would be constantly changing as the baby developed. After she had the baby, they would learn how to parent a child that wasn’t conceived under good circumstances. But this child would be God’s goodness to them all of his or her life—and they got to be that for the child as well. “Marry me.”

Destiny chuckled.

“Is this what I have to look forward to?” Blake’s voice came from Jasper’s left.

He turned his head, not losing the contact with Destiny, so they had their heads together facing her brother.

Beside Blake, the police commissioner clapped him on the shoulder. “It’s only gonna get worse, kid. Thanksgiving. Birthdays. Baby showers. Births. Toddler birthday parties with clowns and terrible punch. Preteen drama.Teenagedrama. I haven’t decided which of those is worse yet. Driver’s licenses. High school graduations.” He wandered off, laughing.

Blake eyed them.

“Sorry, bro.” Jasper cleared his throat and started to step back from Destiny.

Blake waved a hand. “Don’t sweat it. Violet and I just have to get married before Destiny can’t fly. So the two of you can be there.”

Destiny sucked in a breath. “You really are getting married?”

Blake smiled adoringly at his sister. “She’s making an honest man out of me.”

Jasper grinned. “Maybe we should make it a double ceremony.”