Page 81 of Fallout

Julio’s expression shifted. “She’s your partner. How would I know?”

“Want me to find out?” As far as he knew, Samantha’s reaction to the gas had been worse, and she’d been admitted to the hospital overnight. Maybe she’d been released?

A muscle in Julio’s jaw flexed. “Find out and text me.”

Jasper turned to the others. “Where are we at?”

Peter said, “Once we get the all clear, we’ll go in.”

“No one has come out yet.” Blake frowned. “I’m gonna go ask. They must’ve found something.” He strode down the drive, and Peter followed him.

Jasper headed there as well, scanning around. He spotted an FBI agent off to one side going into a shed. He came out with a canister of natural gas. “Hey, Agent!” Jasper flashed his badge, a note of something in his gut.

The guy was one of the newer agents, a junior guy but older than Jasper. He couldn’t remember what the guy’s name was, but he hefted the gas can up onto his shoulder.

“What’s the sitch here?” He nearly flinched. What a ridiculous way to say that. “You need a hand?”

“Sure. I’ve gotta take this around back.” The guy made a face. “Stella’s orders. Can’t say no to the boss lady. I’m Veers.”

Except she wasn’t the usual supervisor, Addie Franklin was. But Addie had taken a few months off work for maternity leave, which left Stella in charge.

Jasper chuckled, walking alongside him. “Intelligence has a sergeant like that. Deerdan. Doesn’t have the first clue what she’s doing or how to lead a team.”

He caught the shift.

The agent swung his leg up behind Jasper to knock him off his feet. Jasper whirled around and slammed a fist into the agent’s gut. Veers threw the natural gas can at Jasper’s head.

It caught the outside of his arm as he smacked it away. Not full. A full canister would’ve broken his wrist.

He tackled Veers to the ground. Jasper got a couple of punches in. Veers’ elbow clipped the side of his head. Jasper caught the guy with his legs, trying to pin him. Veers shoved up—right where Jasper had been hit with that bullet in the chest.

Pain exploded.

Jasper cried out. He heard boots pounding the concrete toward him. He blinked up at the sky and kicked with his legs. Jasper nearly blacked out, but he shoved the guy off balance.

Blake caught Veers. Peter, too. “Got him.”

Jasper tried to sit up. His eyes rolled back in his head, but he kept himself from passing out. “What’s going on?” He went to lie back on the ground.

Peter helped him up. “You good?”

“No. What’s going on?” Jasper had trouble standing. That dang bullet and the gas had done a number on him.

“What did you do?” Blake shook the agent, now cuffed with his hands behind his back.

Peter said, “All the doors are locked.”

Jasper turned to him. “Like at the murder house?”

“Yes.” Peter folded his arms across his chest.

“Which means this guy is gonna tell us what’s going on,” Blake said. “Or I turn you over to a Vanguard operative who doesn’t have to answer to internal affairs.”

They dragged the guy back to the front, and Julio jogged over, along with a couple of officers and the other firefighter who’d shown up.

Peter said, “We need to get into the house.”

Why hadn’t anyone in there called for help? Why weren’t they banging on the windows and yelling to the people outside? If they were trapped in there…if they’d been dosed with the same gas…