Jasper’s eyes widened. “Uncle Brent’s business partner?”
She hadn’t put that together, but all Jasper’s attention was on his father, so he didn’t see her realize she’d missed that.
Richard said, “I had a feeling it might be one of them.”
“You knew?” Jasper shrugged. “You should’ve told me.”
“I only had a feeling. It’s not like I’m going to sign up as your confidential informant, and I doubt a thought carries much weight, son.” Richard had a point. “I have a lot going on. I thought taking down criminals wasyour job.”
“You could have at least mentioned it. You were there at that event when his office was broken into.”
“If he was being blackmailed, then he’s hardly a criminal mastermind.”
It was like watching tennis, glancing back and forth between them. When neither said any more, she offered an idea. “If he is the one behind it, then the FBI has to prove that, don’t they? Everyone has the right to a fair trial. He’ll get the chance to defend himself.”
Jasper said, “She’s right.”
Destiny wiped her hands on the napkin Jasper had given her. “Richard, do you have reason to believe you’re in danger?”
His expression turned immediately defensive. “Why would I?”
“Is that how you talk to your father?” Richard’s tone dripped with haughtiness.
Jasper said, “If he’s withholding information from the police that could be relevant to an investigation, yes.”
Richard pushed out an audible sigh. “I wouldn’t have come if I’d known you would be here, Destiny. I would never put you in danger.”
“But you’d put me in danger and my house?” Jasper said. “There are safe houses you could’ve gone to.”
Richard said, “I wanted to see my son. Is that a crime?”
“Depends.” Jasper folded his arms.
Destiny was about to prompt Richard when he said, “Fine. Imighthave also been approached by this kingpin person. And Brent knew about it, but I don’t think that makes him the one over this all. So don’t go pinning it all on him. He just knew.”
“Approached about what?”
Richard said, “Signing a state bill that would force Vanguard to close. It would break apart the business and dismantle it piece by piece.” He turned to her. “Someone is trying to destroy the company you work for.”
Simon needed to stretch his legs. How long had they been driving around Benson, spying on everyone he knew or worked with—and his family.
Through the windshield, he’d watched Peter walk out of the police department with Bob Davis. Simon sat here, knowing he couldn’t do anything to let his brother know he was all right. Their connection extended only to overwhelming emotions—anxiety, fear, or pain.
What was Peter feeling from him right now?
In the front seat, an older man, whom Simon had never met before, had turned far enough to stare at him. Simon’s hands had been secured with plastic ties. His feet as well. One of his feet was numb, so even if he could get away, it likely wouldn’t be far before he fell on his face.
Pretty much apropos for the day he’d had so far.
The guys on either side of him smelled like pot and had handguns tucked into their belts. The driver looked like he could lift a car and flip it over or snap the steering wheel of this SUV right off. Blacked out windows. Fancy enough that the outside had chrome detailing, but the dash screen had a crack in it, and there were fries under Simon’s left Converse shoe.
The older man said, “Soon enough, they will make their move.”
Like he had eyes in the PD, and maybe he did. That would make sense, considering how long he’d gone under the radar.