Page 74 of Fallout

“Doesn’t mean I can take it out on you.”

He unlocked the door and hit the light just inside, illuminating the laundry room that doubled as a mud room.

She didn’t go in. “I’ve actually never been inside your house.”

The one time she’d been here… He cleared his throat.

She groaned and stepped inside. “I kind of hoped you’d forgotten that I reacted to your breakup with Tessa that way.”

By getting tipsy and having a girlfriend, or her sister, drive her all the way up here so she could ambush-kiss him on his doorstep? No way would he forget that. “It was a…good distraction?”

“You had just broken up with your fiancée!”

He grinned and headed to the coffeepot, trying to remember if he had any decaf…or tea. “Everyone hated me. My phone was blowing up with messages. Then, you showed up and…”

“I kissed the life out of you, all that righteous anger that you’d dumped Tessa swirling with how I felt about you. Being drunk at the time didn’t help.” She let out a long sigh and he heard her pull out a chair at his table.

Since he lived alone, the only person he ever heard do that was his father. When the guys came over, they hung out on the couch and watched a game.

“I’m glad you did.” Jasper stared at the coffeepot. “I didn’t need to be alone. Even if it was just a moment.”

He didn’t need to be having this sweet instant when Simon was who knew where, being held, being terrorized. Destiny had embraced the fear, processed it, and seemed to have set it aside, probably by praying. If he was going to hold on and not fall apart with worry for Simon, then maybe he should do the same.

What do You say, Lord? Think I can do this?

Caleb had believed. He’d talked about heaven right up until the end. But the idea had hurt too much to consider after he died. Now that Jasper knew exactly what Peter was going through, he had to trust that Vanguard had this handled.

It wasn’t easy for him to give over that control to others. He’d been a cop for a long time, and a SWAT officer. Now he was a detective.

Getting shot in the chest and then doused with that gas meant he had to take a backseat on this one. But the feeling didn’t quite leave. He turned, and she looked up from her phone.

He asked, “Anything new?”

“Bob talked to Peter. They prayed, and Bob passed on some ideas for how to find Simon.” She checked the phone again. “I have a couple of operatives looking for Brent Rammington.”

“Why Uncle Brent?”

Destiny shrugged. “Just a feeling. Like we should check on him.” She shook her head. “Probably dumb, considering the shooter was arrested by the FBI, but I just feel like checking that he’s all right.”

“I’m sure he’s fine.” Jasper could call the man he’d considered his uncle, but if she had people going by his house, that was better. He sat across the corner from her and held out his hand. She set hers in it. “How are you feeling?”

“I just want to know that Simon is safe. Then I’ll be okay.”

Jasper rolled his shoulders. “Everyone is on it, right?”

“Everyone.” Destiny’s expression shifted.

He felt reassured knowing she was reassured. But maybe that was how relationships worked. That give and take, supporting each other. He didn’t let go of her hand but would if she pulled back. “I’m glad you’re here.”

She looked around. “Your house is a mountain cabin.”

“It’s just how they built the place.” His coffeepot started to trickle. “There was a couple who had custom built it, then he lost his job. I got it for a steal because they couldn’t afford it. I felt bad, but my realtor said they divorced, and both moved out of state. In different directions. So, it’s not like I stole someone’s family home.”

“And now you get to make it a family home.” She blushed. “Someday.”

Maybe sooner than she thought. “Thanks for coming up here with me.”

“I was asleep. I think you might’ve hoodwinked me.”