Page 62 of Fallout

He’d hacked the police network? Or someone they knew had given him access to their computer system. Maybe it was a Vanguard perk.

Something else for Destiny to learn, but for now, she waited for Simon to figure out what he was looking at and pass her information.

Her phone started to blow up with texts from her sisters. Blake was supposed to meet them for lunch, and he’d never shown up. “My brother missed a lunch date.”

Across the room, Violet was starting to look worried. Destiny got her attention and waved her over. Violet sat next to her. Peter came over as well.

She put the phone on speaker after she quickly explained what was going on. “Simon, tell me about that location.”

If their cars were parked on the street, it could be any of the houses around them. They’d shown up there for a reason. Destiny needed to find out so she could understand what was going on.

Simon said, “Nothing on the houses around them. But down the street, there’s an address registered to the company Brent Rammington made his blackmail payment to.”

“That’s the one.” Peter frowned, settling into a seat beside Violet. “What else have you got on it?”

Simon said, “The sergeant reports someone called the PD anonymously and sent them to that house. They were doing recon to see if it was anything or just a prank of some kind. But they never called in, and it’s been a while.”

That sounded suspicious. “Something happened.”

Peter said, “They were drawn there, maybe?”

Her phone rang with another call.

Peter said, “I’ll get in touch with Simon. You hang up on him and answer that. But let’s do it on the move. I wanna go to that house.”

“Me, too.” Violet stood. “We need a break, and they’ll call with updates.”

Destiny closed the lid of the laptop. Simon had hung up, so she answered the other call—from a number not in her contacts. “Destiny Reed.”

“Hello, Destiny Reed.”

She’d never heard that voice before. And it wasn’t friendly. There was a sinister tone to it, as though he knew some kind of evil secret she definitely wasn’t going to like. “Who is this?”

Peter and Violet turned to her. Violet took the laptop before it slipped out of her arms.

When he didn’t answer, she asked again, “Who is this? Who’s calling?” She couldn’t make it sound light like a receptionist. Not right now.

“You have something of mine buried in your system.”

She pressed her lips together. Less was more when talking with someone like this. Clare had made her take a training course online when she’d first started. Saying too much because she was nervous would be about the worst thing she could do.

She waved Peter and Violet to the door so they didn’t distract anyone else, and they all stepped outside. She had to blink against the sun, but the air was crisp and made her wish for a jacket. Destiny spotted several Famous Ones operatives standing guard for their boss so she could have her baby without worry that they would be unsafe.

“I want it back. And you want your boyfriend back. And your brother. And that other lady cop.”

When he said nothing more, Destiny asked, “That’s it?” She put the call on speaker as she had done with the call to Simon. “I give you your file, and you release them?”

“I’ll keep them alive. For now. But I want my file back.” After about a second, he said, “I’ll text you where I want it.”

The call dropped.

“Let’s go.” Peter handed Violet the keys. “I’ll tell them where we’re going.” He jogged to the nearest Famous One and had a short conversation while Destiny climbed into the back seat. By the time he got into the driver’s seat, Violet had already leaned over and started the car. “They’re staying. But they made me swear on my life to protect you.”

Destiny smiled. “Guess we’re stuck with each other.”

Peter seemed to take it seriously, which she appreciated. He’d left his wife safe and was going out. Destiny needed to make sure her brother and Jasper and Samantha were all right. Violet had paramedic training, which might come in handy if there were injuries to treat.

Lord, don’t let them die. I don’t want to lose them.