Page 6 of Fallout

Simon repeated her words to them.

One of the women who worked near Simon’s desk in what they called the “bullpen” wandered out of the break room and came over. “Are we talking about where Clare is? ’Cause she’s usually in the office by now.” The woman shot Destiny a look. “When she lived upstairs, it was easier to keep track of her.”

The penthouse had been vacant when Destiny moved in. Clare had married a police lieutenant and now lived fifteen minutes away in the house where they would raise their children. Things in the company had started to shift, and everyone was having to flex to accommodate the change.

Destiny hadn’t even turned on her computer. “The staff meeting is still scheduled for half past eight. Clare knows that.”

One of the guys said, “But what’s the appointment for? Everything okay with her…” He pointed a finger at his middle and swirled it around.

Evidently, that was a reference to the baby Clare was carrying. This company was terrible with allowing others privacy in their personal lives. “That would be none of your business.”

“If she’s taking time off, we need to know.” He shook his head as though she should already be aware.

With the desk between them, the overbearing presence of a guy his size registered, but she fought back against the pounding in her chest. Squared her shoulders. “Clare is going to show up to work shortly. When she gets here, do you want to be found standing around, or do you want her to see you working?”

The guy huffed but headed away. The ladies trailed off as well, along with everyone else who’d gathered. To their credit, they cared about Clare’s well-being. But they also leaned on her too much. It was Destiny’s job to make Clare’s life easier. She was running out of time to get these people to see that their boss didn’t need to hold their hands in order for them to do their jobs. If they bothered her after she had this baby and interrupted a mother’s time with her first newborn? Then, Destiny would have failed.

Simon chuckled. “Good job. We’ll have you running this place in no time.”

“Thank you.” She smiled at him.

He winked. “See you at the meeting.”

Only after he’d left did she think about what he said. Despite what some people thought about personal assistants being the ones who ran the show behind the scenes, she had no desire to be the boss of this place. She had zero qualifications. She just loved Clare and was fully on board with Vanguard.

After all, they’d saved her life.

She would be forever grateful to them for rescuing her from that hellish place. Shouts rang in her ears from that distant time. Under her, the chair became a dirt floor. Darkness flashed in front of her eyes. She could hear screaming, not far away.

The sound of terror. And then death.

Her computer booted, and the instant messaging program loaded with the start-up. A string of messages populated.

Back to reality.Thank You, Lord.He’d given her what she needed to keep from descending into the nightmare. She was getting better.

No one knew what would happen when Clare went on maternity leave and the company had a CEO with different priorities. But she wasn’t going to be completely gone. In fact, Destiny had heard Clare and Gage talking about Clare being here when he was at work so she could be around some helping hands—with an assistant to guard the door when she was taking a nap. Gage liked the idea of her being safe and not alone.

The idea of a team of ex-military mercenaries having to keep their voices low because a baby was sleeping sounded like something Destiny wanted to see.

She loaded her morning report to the Famous Ones chat.

No nightmares. The purple pj’s are so soft – thnx, Ally.

No lip gloss today. Peach eye shadow and the white shirt with the thin stripes.

She got a reply almost immediately.

I’m sending a pair of heels. They’ll look killer with your legs.

Destiny shook her head.

While I sit at a desk? You get that’s what my job is.

The girls had joked that Destiny should go on a mission with them. Or to some event where she could wear a dress and heels.

Calendar. Girl, didn’t you see what’s tonight?

Destiny flinched. She clicked her mouse and pulled up the… “Oh, no.”