Jasper caught his eyes before they rolled back in his head. “Destiny.” He needed to call her. She and Clare would find out through the grapevine that a cop had been shot. They’d wonder if it was Gage or Blake—or him.
Gage knelt in front of him, checking the spot where the bullet had hit his vest. “You’re gonna have a huge bruise.”
“Least it didn’t hit my face.” His head swam.
“Yeah, wouldn’t want to ruin that face.” Gage patted his cheek with a gloved hand, more relief in his expression than Jasper had been expecting.
His eyes started to roll back again.Nope, don’t pass out.He blinked. George had the same entryway light fixture they’d had when he was little. He and Caleb had lain on the floor together and watched the Christmas lights from the tree reflect across the ceiling and hit the pieces of glass.
“Who is Caleb?” Gage asked.
Apparently, he’d spoken aloud.
Jasper said, “He was my brother.” Tears filled his eyes. Why did his chest hurt this bad? He could barely breathe. “He died.” Jasper could feel it coming. “I’m gonna pass out now.”
Before he did, he saw a different expression on Gage’s face. One that looked a whole lot like compassion. And respect.
“Ishould talk to a hospital administrator.” The automatic doors opened in front of them, and Clare continued, “Find out if they have some kind of frequent flyer plan.”
Neither of them smiled. Destiny just wanted to see Jasper for herself so she would know that he really was all right. He’d texted her on the drive over, and she’d nearly passed out she was so relieved. After hearing the “officer down” call had gone out, she hadn’t known what to think.
She slid her phone into her back pocket now. Her winter jacket was getting tight around her middle, so she left it open. The shirt she wore was loose. After Africa, she’d avoided tight-fitting clothing anyway, but it would get harder and harder to disguise her condition.
Gage and Blake stood in the waiting area with half a dozen uniformed cops—including some higher-ranking officers. Violet stood beside Blake.
Destiny headed for her future sister-in-law and gave her a hug. “How is your father?”
Violet worried her lip between her teeth. “He’s in surgery. It hit his shoulder.”
“Like Jasper’s mother?” That was weird, wasn’t it?
Gage said, “Same exact spot. As though on purpose.”
“Far too close to be a coincidence,” her brother said. “So, we have to believe it was intentional.”
“Like he was trying to kill them, and the bullet went just a little high of where he aimed?” she asked.
Clare shook her head, leaning against Gage. Probably overwhelmed with relief that her husband was unharmed. “He would have corrected after the cemetery.”
Blake said, “And your Famous Ones haven’t found him yet?” There was an insinuation in his tone.
“They’ll check in.” Why did Destiny feel the need to defend them? Except for the obvious. “I owe them my life, you know.”
Blake made a face. “I know. But this shooter is a menace.”
Added to the issue with Brent Rammington and the victims piling up and whatever the kingpin was doing, this shooter was one more thing they didn’t need.
“Aren’t you going to ask about Jasper?” Blake stared at her.
She waved her phone. “He said he’s fine. But I would like to see him. Where is he?”
Her brother blinked, then grudgingly said, “Down the hall on the right.”
So that it didn’t look like she was running down there to get a look at him, she said, “Is his mother still here? I might check on her also.”
Gage said, “The doctor told me she wasn’t having visitors. I think the senator had to go back to work, so he isn’t here.”