But coming home to Destiny at the end of the day?
That just might end up being the best part.
He wasn’t completely convinced, all in, determined to be a father to this baby and the only man she was with for the rest of her life. There were a lot of things to talk about. He needed to address the issue of his parents, though his father would probably be nothing but supportive.
His mother, on the other hand.
He’d have to work on a solution so his mother didn’t get hurt because of his choices. She wouldn’t have a relationship with her grandchildren—if or when he had any kids. But he didn’t want her to harm herself.
Peter said, “This guy Franks is a peach.”
“Yeah?” Jasper turned onto the street where the bar was located. Rough part of town. Rough guy. Rough bar, sandwiched between a vape shop and a couple of closed-down businesses. The parking lot was full of trucks and motorcycles.
He parked the car at the far end of the lot.
“Neal did four years for aggravated assault, got released early. Behind on his child support. He’s thirty-two and has fifteen- and sixteen-year-old sons. Two other younger kids with another woman.” Peter glanced over. “Isn’t April like twenty-two?”
Jasper shrugged. Destiny was a few years younger than him. “I try not to be judgy.”
“According to this, he lives above his grandmother’s garage and works at a mechanic shop. The reviews on the shop are worse than the reviews on the bar. Apparently, they like to charge people and not do the work.”
Jasper shut off the engine. “Great. Let’s go see what he has to say about April.”
The place had a couple of handfuls of people. At the bar and over by the pool tables. There was a game on above the bar in the corner, baseball being played by an East Coast team. No one really seemed to be paying attention to it.
They seemed more attuned to the badge on Jasper’s belt.
Before they could all make a run for it, he said, “Neal Franks.”
A few people relaxed. Someone said, “Back there by the games.”
Slot machines, a couple of arcade machines. All of which were not completely legal. He spotted a machine that would dispense scratch-off tickets. Neal Franks was playing a retro game and losing, by the look of it.
The whole bar smelled like puke on a carpet mixed with stale beer.
When he let out a frustrated curse word and stepped back, Jasper said, “Neal Franks?”
He flinched and turned to them. There was a split second when he seemed to consider making a run for it. But with Peter to the left, there was nowhere for him to go without him having to fight one of them. Which would end up with him back in the system.
“This isn’t about you,” Jasper said. “It’s about April.”
He made a face and grabbed the half-empty beer glass from the table. “Her?” He downed the remainder of his drink. “What about her?”
Peter asked, “When was the last time you saw her?”
Neal shrugged. “Weeks ago.”
Interesting, considering she’d told him and Samantha that it was Neal who’d beat her. “She ever talk about Vanguard?”
Neal shook his head. “That company with the tower?” He glanced at Peter. “You’re one of them?”
He almost looked scared by the possibility that Peter was with Vanguard.
“Do you have reason to be worried about Vanguard?” Jasper asked. “Like being a part of a scheme to break into their computer network.”
Neal cracked a laugh. “Do I look stupid? Not nearly worth the trouble.”