Page 34 of Fallout

“Sometimes, I don’t have much left to draw from.” He blew out a breath. “It’s been running low, and I can see my dad is starting to feel the same way. He hasn’t outright said we should admit her where she can live in a beautiful place but also be taken care of around the clock. But I also realize that makes me sound like a horrible person.”

“In the end, it’s up to your father to make the final decision.”

Jasper’s expression started to crack. “He said it wasn’t my choice to be part of this family. It was his. So what happened next would be his choice, too.”

“I really like your dad.”

He cleared his throat. “Thanks.”

She decided to just go for the gusto. “Jamal was my father. That’s how your father and I got to talking about Caleb. And probably why neither of us realized there was a sniper in the trees.” She slid down the couch and put her head back on the cushion, suddenly cold. “I thought I was going to die.”

She’d thought Jasper’s mother was dead.

Richard could have died.

Her baby.

Destiny swiped at her cheek. “Stupid hormones.”

“I’m glad you weren’t hurt. Apart from.” He motioned to her cheek.

“She’s sick. It makes a lot more sense now.”

He slid down the couch as well, resting the back of his head against the back cushion so that he’d be facing the TV—if it were on. She was comfortable enough that it was like they’d done this a million times.

When in reality, they’d never been alone in either of their houses. They’d never been on a date. They were from two different worlds, but that seemed to matter less and less. And now, here, where they were alone, it was like it didn’t matter at all.

“I shouldn’t want to hide away and never go out. I should be stronger than that.”

He glanced over. “I think you’re doing great.”

“Blake said I should want people around me.”

Humor gleamed in his eyes. “I’m people.”

She gave him a soft smile.

“The Famous Ones are on the case, looking for whoever shot at you. Or shot at my parents. I guess when they find the shooter, we’ll know who the target was.” He paused. “I think for the time being, maybe youshouldstay where it’s safe. Just in case.”

“Are you going to tell your parents to do the same?”

He smiled. “I will if it makes you feel better.”

Being here was so nice and comfortable, Destiny could almost forget the tiny bump in her abdomen was a baby. She was still “pretty small,” according to Clare, but the naturally round belly she’d always had played into it. No one had guessed. She’d kept everyone at arm’s length since she got back, but that wouldn’t last forever.

“Everyone is going to flip. They’ll want to know why I didn’t say anything.”

Jasper reached over and took her hand, resting it on the couch by the popcorn bowl. “I can be with you when you tell them.”

Destiny groaned. “Everything is just all mixed up. It should be getting better or back to normal or something. But it’s never going to be normal again. I’m going to have a child. Jasper, I’mterrified. I don’t know how to be a mom! What if I’m awful at it? My mom was the worst.”

He squeezed her hand. “The fact you care enough to worry already has you a step ahead. I’m not worried. I know it won’t be easy for you, but I don’t doubt you’ll be a great mom.”

She suppressed another groan. He was being so sweet that she was going to get used to it, and then he was going to leave. They would be friends. She would get bigger, give birth. Jasper would find someone. He would fall in love, and she’d have to watch him have a family with someone else.

Someone better than her.

Right now, he was all in to be supportive, and that was amazing. But she couldn’t tie up his life with her stuff. He had work responsibilities. The last thing he would want to do is take on a baby that was the result of pain and terror like she’d never experienced—and wouldn’t wish on her worst enemy.