Page 32 of Fallout

Not for her.

Not for him.

Everything had changed.

He set the kettle to boil and raided the pantry for crackers. He found four different kinds of cheese dip in jars and a curious amount of applesauce pouches. At least a dozen open bags of chips, and an entire section that seemed to just be flavors of fizzy water stacked in their boxes.

He made two cups of tea, and she emerged with a different set of clothes. When she came close, he smelled mint from where she’d brushed her teeth.

“Thanks for not running away screaming.”

He said, “You expected the door to be open and for me to be gone?”

She shrugged. “I’m glad to see I was right about you being a better man than that.” She took one of the mugs of tea over to the couch and sat, curling her legs up. “But that’s because you’re a good friend, a good guy. I’ve heard it enough from Blake. And I’ve seen it.”

“Have you now.” What should he say to that? If she knew all of it, would she still believe that? He settled on small talk and said, “Feeling better?”

“Yes.” She took a drink of the tea. “Thank you for being here, even though I don’t know how you got in. My sisters are calling this my fortress of solitude.”

He chuckled. Maybe she was groggy and didn’t remember. “I can see that. But after I texted, you had the receptionist issue me a guest pass for the elevator.”



She said, “I was asleep all afternoon. When you came into the bathroom, I’d only just woken up.”

“So who replied to my text?”

“I can guess.” She frowned. “But it was still good to see you. And thank you for your help.”

Why did this sound like she was about to say goodbye?

“You’re a good friend.”

Yeah, he was being friend-zoned. Because he knew about the baby now? “You didn’t do anything wrong. You know that, right? And this situation you’re in is crazy hard, but it doesn’t ruin your life. A baby will add to your family. Someone new comes into the world, and you get to love and take care of that person in a way no one else will.”

Tears gathered in her eyes.

“I’m not trying to upset you. Sorry. I’m just letting you know there is always good and bad in everything.”

“You don’t have to stay.” She brushed at the loose sweats over her knees. “I’m good. Thanks.”

“I know I don’t have to.” He wasn’t goinganywhere. “Destiny? Do you want me to stay?”

The look in her eyes told him she knew he didn’t mean only now.

He just might mean forever.

He’d have to tell her everything, but after what she just shared and the courage she showed every day, she had the ability to weather what was in front of her. The fact was, for a while now, he’d known something poignant.

It was her.

She was the one.

What might look to anyone from the outside like a rebound, after the mess he’d left Tessa in, the reality was that he’d been searching for the right thing for a long time.

He was about to prompt her when she said, “Yes. If you want to, I want you to stay.”