Page 28 of Fallout

Kind of like how taking a nap should take priority rather than overthinking this thing to death. She’d yelled at Jasper, he hadn’t come around again…and now this. The last couple of days were more confusing than she could worry about.

Blake pulled up out front, and she jerked her eyes open.

Destiny stared up at the Vanguard building. “What am I even doing here?”

“You said this is where you wanted to be.”

Violet said, “I don’t think that’s what she means.”

Blake shifted in his seat. “Well, then, what does she mean?”

“I have no qualifications. I’m a waitress.” She twisted in her seat so she could see both of them. “I’m a victim. I’m not qualified to be an executive assistant!”

Blake glanced out the back window. Jasper’s vehicle must have pulled up behind them.

Violet said, “Clare wouldn’t have hired you if she didn’t think you could do it. And it’s natural to have self-doubts.”

Destiny pushed out a long sigh. Neither of them understood, and she couldn’t explain it.

Blake winced. “I’ll send the girls over. You’ll feel better when you’ve hung out with them.”

She shook her head, which made her cheek sting again. “Maybe another day.”

“It’s not good to hide away and wallow.”

“I like the quiet.”

“You need people around you who support you and love you.”

“Who decided that?” That wasn’t some general rule. “Maybe I want to be alone because I like it. I need tothink. I can’t do that in a room full of people.”

“You want to sulk.”

Destiny twisted around, shoved the door open, and stumbled out. That was really what he thought?

Jasper reached for her, but she stepped out of reach.

“I don’t need help.”

Violet could show them upstairs. After all, she had the information for what was going on. Destiny had nothing, but everyone seemed to have an opinion on what she should do about it.

Her shoes echoed on the lobby tile. They’d have to use the normal elevator. She said hi to Susan behind the reception desk and swiped her card to enter the hall behind the desk. At the end, she used her code to call the private elevator that only stopped at Clare’s office and the penthouse.

When the doors opened on the top floor, the entryway was full of women. Allyson put her hand on her hip. “You were supposed to wait for us.”

Destiny burst into tears.

“DEFCON 1.” Allyson tugged her into the apartment and over to the couch. “This woman needs ice cream, stat.”

Destiny slumped onto the couch and pulled a pillow over her face so she could cry without anyone seeing.

She was supposed to be better now. She was supposed to have survived, to be strong. No one was supposed to accuse her of trying to kill them. She should’ve been able to say goodbye to her father. Her brother should understand. He should have realized she was his full sister and nothing like the girls. Jasper should’ve mentioned he had a brother who died.

Someone should’ve noticed she was pregnant.


Simon Olson generally stuck to the office, but today, he was on the street wearing a suit that didn’t fit right. “Yes, your security footage. I’m wondering if you have a view of that gate over there.”