Jasper’s stomach clenched. “She’s bleeding.”
The nurse went to a cabinet and handed over a bandage. “Hold this on it. We’ll get to you.” She sat back down and looked at her computer screen.
Jasper started to argue. Destiny tugged him to the waiting area where she sank into a seat. He crouched in front of her, ignoring the people around them. Injuries and sickness. He didn’t want Destiny near any of this. He took the bandage and held it against her cheek. “What happened?”
She sucked in a breath. Closed her eyes for a second. “Your father was grazed. The bullet hit your mother.”
“And the shooter?”
“The police that showed up started to search for whoever it was. I never saw them.” She bit her lip. “They think I did it and tossed the gun in a bush. Your dad told them that’s not what happened, so they didn’t just arrest me. But they had the cuffs out and everything. They think I tried to kill your parents.”
He shook his head. “That’s ridiculous. Nothing is going to happen, and no one is going to arrest you.”
“You should go see your mother. You should be with your dad.” She shifted in the seat, squaring her shoulders like she needed to be strong on her own. “They need you.”
“My dad told me to stay with you.”
She frowned. “Why would he say that?”
“Because he’s a good guy. He has a lot on his shoulders, but he has his priorities straight.”
“But Tessa…”
Why was this coming up now, of all times? “There was a lot Tessa didn’t understand. She wasn’t privy to all of it.”
“You were engaged.”
Jasper wasn’t afraid of the truth. “Yes, we were.” And after they broke up, Destiny showed up at his house drunk and kissed him. He’d never understand women, but one day, he’d ask her why she did that. “We don’t need to talk about this now. You aren’t being arrested because no one thinks you tried to shoot my parents.”
“I don’t even have a gun.”
“There you go.” He shifted the bandage off her cheek. “The bleeding has slowed. Were you grazed by the bullet?” That wasn’t what this looked like.
“Your mom scratched me.”
Jasper’s stomach clenched. “Sorry.”
What was he supposed to say? He and Dad had been covering for her for years. He just hadn’t thought he’d have to do it with Destiny. He’d hoped to introduce them on a good day. A pipe dream at best, considering the alternative was to keep them apart. If the relationship with Destiny amounted to something long term—which he could admit was what he wanted—would he really separate himself from his family just so she didn’t have to deal with it?
And now that she had a glimpse, it was going to be even harder to keep everything straight.
He had to lock this thing down.
If that meant nothing ever happened between him and Destiny, then so be it. That might be the best outcome for everyone.
She stared at him with her lips parted. Of course there were things she wanted to say, but a nurse showed up and took her to a bay. Jasper checked back with Samantha and April. Then, he found his father in a bay of his own, getting his arm stitched up by one doctor while another stood on the other side of the bed.
“She’s sedated now,” the other doctor said, “and we will take care of the gunshot wound. The police will want a full statement.”
His father looked older than Jasper had ever seen him look, his face pale.
“Senator, has your wife…” He cleared his throat. “Has she ever received psychiatric care?”
Jasper turned and walked down the hall, not wanting to stick around and hear what his dad said. It would be harder for both of them that way.
He spotted Destiny. A nurse wiped something gel-like on her cheek. Probably to keep her from getting an infection.Your mom scratched me.He ran a hand over the front of his shirt, the left side of his abdomen.
Why do you have to be like this?