And they had.
Papers were strewn everywhere. Spaces on the shelves indicated where smashed items now on the floor had been. The broken objects intermingled with a couple of knocked-over tall lamps, the shades crushed. A vase had been smashed, and the flowers lay in a puddle.
Across the wall, someone had painted an accusation that led him to believe the person who worked in this office had taken advantage of a woman at some point in the past. Except it was his uncle’s office, Brent Rammington. He turned back to Destiny, holstering his weapon and pulling out his phone.
Before he dialed, he said, “Explain.”
“I’ve signed a nondisclosure agreement.” Destiny’s gaze flicked to the side, and she let out a quick laugh.
He was about to ask her what was going on when she removed an earpiece. Jasper tried to snatch it from her, but she slipped it into her pocket. “Your dress has pockets?” He gave a sharp shake of his head. “This is a Vanguard operation?”
Maybe they were here trying to find whoever had done this? Destiny somehow knew it was going to happen and led him here.
Or he’d been hoodwinked, and this was about the fact they had orchestrated this entire situation to ensure he was the one who discovered the scene.
Why else have him go first? Except that he’dthoughtit was about her letting him protect her.
Apparently, whoever was in her ear had that job.
Jasper tamped down his irritation. He didn’t need to take it out on her.
“I need to call this in.” Get the scene processed, talk to witnesses. She could claim she’d been with him, so he probably wouldn’t be able to justify interviewing her even though she was definitely hiding something.
Destiny looked into the office, then pulled out her phone. “I’ll let Clare know what happened.”
He stared at her for a second, trying to reconcile the pizza grill server he’d kissed with this executive assistant in a gown, taking his breath away. He almost didn’t recognize her. She’d been through a terrifying situation, been hurt, and put her life back together.
Was the woman he had known before she went to Africa still in there?
Jasper made the call to dispatch. As soon as he was done, he said, “You look amazing. I didn’t get the chance to tell you earlier.”
Her eyes warmed. “Thank you. Sorry this interrupted your night. You probably weren’t thinking you’d have to work the scene of a crime when you came here.”
“Not exactly. Although, there was one particularly raucous night when the mayor’s aide’s date threw her drink at him and cut his cheek because the tumbler shattered on his glasses. There was blood everywhere and drunk people all around the room trying to help. Pulling tablecloths off tables to staunch the bleeding, and depositing dishware all over the floor.”
He shook his head. “My mother climbed up on a chair and told everyone tosit down.” He chuckled, remembering how proud he’d been that she took control of the situation. That had been a good day.
Destiny smiled and touched his arm. She was about to speak when her phone chimed. “Clare needs me back upstairs.”
He wasn’t quite sure what to say except, “It was good to see you.”
He opened his mouth again to ask what she’d talked about with his dad, but that was way too nosy. There were a million other things he wanted to say. All of it hung in the air between them, unspoken.
Considering his life was nothing but a series of things he’d never said or things he’d never done, coupled with all the things he should have never said and should have never done…it wasn’t exactly an unfamiliar feeling.
But it didn’t feel comfortable, either.
At some point, he needed to quit doing the wrong thing, or nothing, and do something right.
His phone rang.
Destiny said, “I’ll leave you to it,” and headed back up the stairs before he could find a good reason to ask her to stay.
Detective Jesse was calling. He blew out a breath and answered. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I was relieved by the night shift. Heard your call come in. I’ll head over.”
“Sounds good.” Later, they’d need to talk about why she wanted to work overtime to keep from going home. It might be fine for now, but sooner or later, Samantha Jesse was going to crash and burn out.