“Fine,” she managed to whisper. The two of them in the comms channel weren’t the only ones here tonight.
Destiny’s job was to allow the camera on the dress to give them footage of what was in front of her. The pins on either side of her hair, keeping half of it back, were also cameras—probably overkill. They’d told her they weren’t taking any chances with her safety, but was she really safe anywhere? Tonight they were gathering intel on everyone here as part of their operation tonight.
As a walking camera, she wasn’t supposed to run screaming from the room. She should also keep from freaking out and yelling at Jasper—or kissing him.
She couldn’t tell which way it would go. After all, she was the one who’d shut him out. But it wasn’t like he’d tried to talk to her again after she got out of the hospital. Or in the month since.
Warned by the voice in her ear, Destiny spotted the man on approach. Close.
Jasper’s father said, “You look like you might want to run out the door.”
Destiny’s cheeks heated. “There are a lot of people in here.”
He put his back to the window beside her. “Good view. You can see all kinds of things from up here. Like how Alonzo just made a deal with Simmons.” The senator pointed. “They always clink their glasses together in lieu of signing contracts. And over there.” He shifted his finger to the right. “Watch Mrs. Simmons walk by Charles Markam.”
Destiny watched the woman sashay past Mr. Markam. Their fingers touched, a tiny brush.They’re having an affair.
The comms channel erupted.
“Did you see that?”
“What the heck?”
Destiny glanced at Senator Hollingsworth. “I think that goes a level above people watching.” Kind of like the Famous Ones ogling Jasper.
The senator chuckled. “In my business, it pays to notice the little things.”
Uh-oh. Did that mean he had seen her looking at Jasper?
Considering that, a couple of years ago, Jasper had dumped his fiancée because his family hadn’t approved, that didn’t bode well for her.
Destiny didn’t put herself down because of where she’d come from. But given what she had gone through recently, maybe she deserved to have something good happen to her next. Was that too much to ask for?What do you say, Lord?Since that good thing wasn’t going to be a relationship with Jasper, it might be this job. But it had been weeks, and she was still barely holding it together.
Of course, what she really wanted would never be admitted aloud.
Over comms, she heard, “On it.”
After that, Destiny tuned out the operational chatter. She really was simply a personal assistant, even if Clare’s line of work had some elements to it that were a little different. At least, different from a business like the one they were currently standing in.
Jasper glanced over at her, close enough she could spot the question in his eyes. She lifted her fingers but kept her hand by her side and waved him off.
“My son is a good man,” the senator said. “Better than me. Though, that was never in doubt.”
“I’d like to be able to say the same about my children someday.” That was a diplomatic answer. She had no idea what the senator knew about her and Jasper. No one knew all of it.
It made her wonder what other secrets the police detective had.
Things he never told anyone.
“It’s the hope of every parent.” He turned to her. “I don’t want to remind you of something you’d likely prefer to forget, but I’d also rather there wasn’t a secret that amounts to a lie between us.” He paused. “I’m aware of what happened to you.” The senator lifted her hand and held it gently. “I’m very glad to see you safe and well, Destiny Reed.”
A harsh voice said, “I thought you were leaving.” Jasper’s expression was pure fury.
“Turns out I had a reason to stay.” He let go of Destiny’s hand with a very gentle squeeze.I’m aware of what happened to you.
But he wasn’t, was he? Not completely.