“You wanna go on record, talking about tonight?” Jax paused. “I’d have thought you’d need to keep it under wraps. For the sake of protecting your witness.”
Kenna said, “Head’s up.”
“Where?” Jax shifted the car to Drive.
“Ten o’clock.”
“Great,” Destain said. “They found us.”
Jax bit back what he wanted to say. If there was a leak, it could be someone in this car. He couldn’t decide, if it was him, whether he would come across disgruntled or act like everything was fine. Or keep his mouth shut and go with it like the witness.
The SUV moved away from them, and he couldn’t see it between buildings. There weren’t many cars around, but a few people were filling up—plus gas cans. Stocking up with supplies from in thestore.
He pulled out.
“This sheriff’s department decal might as well be a neon sign.” Kenna bounced her knee.
Jax couldn’t avoiding smiling after spending the past few weeks apart from her. He wanted to reach over and squeeze her knee to reassure her, but there was enough to concentrate on. One thing he knew about Kenna—she could handle herself. They’d be safe soon enough.
He pulled onto the road and headed back to the highway, constantly checking to see if they were being tailed.
They made it to the turnoff for the cabin in good time, but immediately he saw the problem. “The lane up to it wasn’t plowed recently.”
“We can stop and put chains on, or we can walk.” Kenna shifted in her seat to face him.
He stopped and did the same. “We’d have to hide the vehicle in case anyone comes this way.”
Pilsborough nodded. “Let’s get the chains on. We’ll leave tracks, but we’ll be warm and rested when they get here.”
Jax was hoping for some coffee, or soup. So far they were in one piece, and not being followed.
Thank You, Lord.
He didn’t know what kind of place this cabin was, but if they could get there, they could at least get warm.
After a few minutes, they got the chains on and began the arduous journey to the squat structure on the hillside. They weren’t facing the incoming weather, but snow still swirled in front of the cabin.
Dark. Cold.
Jax got out, wrapping his coat tighter around him. The wind whipped at his ears and nose as he opened the rear door for Destain. “I’ll go check it out inside.” Jax pocketed hisphone and grabbed the shotgun from the floor under the driver’s seat, where he’d stashed it.
Kenna met him at the door.
“Is there a key, or a door code?” he asked.
She typed four numbers into the pad below the handle and stepped back, his pistol between her palms. “Ladies first?”
Jax shook his head and stepped in. He flipped the switch, and nothing happened.
“I’ll go look for a generator after we clear it.” She handed him a flashlight.
Jax clicked it on. “Copy that.” She had lived on the road for years, so she knew what she was doing in the outdoors living department. He just wanted to know if the sheriff stocked his place with coffee, and if there was enough room for five people to stretch out and get some rest.
The cabin was a one-room structure with a bed located on the other side of a bookcase with open shelves, so what was on either side was visible. Rows and rows of battered paperbacks filled the shelves. A ratty recliner, old table, and two chairs next to a vintage kitchenette with a yellow refrigerator from decades past. No TV.
He cleared the small bathroom at the back. “We’re good. Send them in.”
She came over and kissed his cheek. “Copy that.”