Page 61 of Long Road Home

“They have a witness statement that you had motive to want him dead, so your lawyer can get a copy of that and seewhat it says.” And who said it. Was Forrest actually going to be arrested? That was the last thing this quiet woman needed. “But I figure that’s the anonymous tip that came in. They have Bruce’s phone, on which evidently was a series of texts indicating your intention to end his life.”

“I said I’d kill him?” Forrest blinked. “Does it say why I wanted to?”

Gingrich’s jaw muscle flexed.

There was a way guilty people acted, even if they were determined to pretend they were innocent. This wasn’t that.

Forrest had at least that going in her favor.

The state police officer in the office strode out. “We’re going to be packing up everything in here and taking it with us.”

“It’s not evidence of murder,” Kenna said, shifting slightly so her shoulder was in front of Forrest’s. So her friend would know Kenna was here for her, standing with her in solidarity. “It’s research for a true crime book.”

Another one of the officers came in through the kitchen. “There’s an RV in the garage, and we need it unlocked.”

Oh no, they didn’t.

“That won’t be happening.” Before they could all argue, Kenna said, “The warrant covers the house and any vehicles registered to Forrest Crosby. That RV is mine. And they wouldn’t be going inside it.”

“We can come back with an amendment.” The cop didn’t want to back down. “She might’ve passed something to you to hide.”

“Wow,” Kenna said. “This is turning into a conspiracy. It’s gonna be an even better story for the newspapers to report when you realize you’re all wasting your time chasing nothing. There isn’t even any evidence yet that Bruce Kilborn was murdered.”

“Yet.” Gingrich shifted his weight.

“Did you also get search warrants for anyone in the local area who knew him before he went to prison, or during his incarceration?” Kenna made eye contact with each of the cops. “Just to make sure this wasn’t the actions of someone desperate for revenge, and clever enough to cover their tracks. Make it look like natural causes.”

It almost sounded like the work of a professional killer.

“How about this?” The officer who’d been in Forrest’s study disappeared for a second, then came back with a paper file.

Forrest groaned. “You think I didn’t look it up after the note?”

Kenna took the papers. “So she has a copy of the accident report.” They’d have to work harder than this to prove she had motive to kill Bruce.

The officer said, “I want a statement about this ‘note’ you’re talking about. But the texts on Bruce’s phone talk about how he’s stirring things up. Blaming Forrest for their deaths even, wanting them out of the way.”

Forrest let out a whimper.

“How he was going to tell everyone that she is the one who killed them.”

“I have this file as well. And a few others,” Kenna said. “Does that make me J.Pierce, because I’ve been reading accident files?”

Gingrich said, “I don’t know. Does it?” He seemed almost amused. Or intrigued by the idea Kenna might be a serial killer.

Being accused of murder? There was something different for once.

She nearly rolled her eyes over the absurdity of it all.

She could explain everything to these cops, but it wasalmost more fun to watch them figure out how wrong they were.

Sheriff Gingrich tugged cuffs off the back of his belt. “Forrest Crosby, you need to accompany me to the sheriff’s department for questioning.”

“You don’t even know if it was murder yet,” Kenna said. They didn’t have the test results. She turned to Forrest. “If you’re not under arrest, you can decline.”

Forrest glanced at the officer who’d had the search warrant.

Kenna took a photo of the warrant with her phone—which none of them liked, given their reactions. But she got it before an officer snatched the paperwork out of her hand.