Page 37 of Long Road Home

Her heart sank. This guy had gotten away. She might be lucky she wasn’t dead, but the officer would be kicking himself for a long time that an old manhad run off.

“I don’t think I recognize…,” Kenna began. But there was something oddly familiar about the guy. Did she know him?

“I’ll send this to your boyfriend.” Kobrinsky got up, hopping a little as he grabbed the sketch, then headed to the door.

“Let’s go home. I’ll drive you.” Forrest stood.

Kenna shifted to the edge of the seat.

The sheriff said, “She’ll be out in a minute. I just need a moment with Ms. Banbury.”

Forrest glanced over but left without argument.

Kenna shot him a look. “Are you going to tell me I messed up again?”

He sat back in his chair. “I’m down a man. Kobrinsky is injured.”

“I don’t owe you. Call the state police.” She didn’t want to get deputized, or work for this guy.

He set his drink on the table. “Three days from now, I’ve got a sensitive detail coming through the county. Kobrinsky was going to be my guy, but he’s out. It’s only escort. The marshals have asked us to provide assistance. They are bringing a high value detainee through the area and down to Chicago so they can testify.”

“That’s an odd route.” Landing so far north and spending so much time on the ground put them at risk. But then, maybe landing at a closer airport posed the same risk.

“That’s the point, I think. No one knows they’re coming through.”

“And you think I can help?”

The sheriff shrugged. “I think you’re here, and you’re capable. You’re on the side of what the feds are doing, and I’ll be busy. All my people are busy doing work you caused.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to point out that he could atleast be grateful. But she wasn’t the one who had two crime scenes to process.

“You want to be thanked.” He chuckled. “Don’t we all. But while you might’ve closed one case, you seem to have several more to work now. So I’m not sure thanks are in order just yet.”

He thought he could’ve figured this all out himself? Maybe he should have done that.

“You’re the one who let Kobrinsky say he found that head. So he could run against me next year, right?”

Kenna said nothing.

“I’ll tell you when and where to be.”

“I’ll think about it.” Kenna got up, which made her head swim. She didn’t like it, but she grabbed the back of a chair to steer her way to the door. “Why don’t you send me all the information you have on this marshal thing, and the guy they’re transporting, yeah? I’ll take a look and then decide.”

“You’d love to see all that.” He made a face. “And if they gave me anything, I would certainly not pass it on. Unless you’d care to be deputized until such time as I decide to release you.”

Kenna grabbed the door handle and glanced over. “Don’t even think about it.” He had no idea how she felt about badges, or things that seemed inevitable.

Gingrich chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’d make you go through deputy training, and you wouldn’t like it.”

Kenna swept out of the room, then strode to Forrest. “He thinks I’ve lost my edge. Can you believe that? He thinks I’ve gone soft, and I need training.”

Forrest chuckled. “You’re slurring your words. You should probably get seen by a doc?—”

“Nope. Don’t.” She lifted both hands. “I’m good.”

The lady behind reception walked over, blond curls and aBluetooth headset with a red light on the earpiece over her left ear. “Here you go, hon. I left the photos out as you requested.”

Kenna turned to Forrest. “Is that what I think it is?” She put her elbow on the counter.