Page 33 of Long Road Home

She wanted to be the one to carry the weight so that someone else didn’t.

God knew what He was getting into with her. He wasn’t surprised by how she was—the person He had made her to be.

She used her skills, and she saved lives. Justice was found because of her.

And I’ll do it for as long as You able me to.

One day, she would be done as a PI. And she didn’t plan to regret any of it. Especially not if Jax was there, in person rather than on the phone.

Kenna found a suitcase under the bed. Dark teal colored, hard sided. Like something from the ’50s or ’60s. She tugged apart the latches, having to push hard to get them to click open. The lid lifted free, and she leaned it against the green crocheted blanket hanging over the side of the bed.

She yelled, “Kobrinsky!” and stared at the contents of the case until he came to the door. She got up, snapping a photo of it with her phone. “I know how to get her talking.”

He maneuvered around the bed and swore loudly. “Is that a head…in a plastic bag?!”

“I’ve never seen him, but I’m guessing that’s…Mr. Wells?”

Kobrinsky swore again.

“Do you want me to call it in, or do you want to pretend we were never here?”

She’d rather stay here, so she could ask whoever searched this house why they hadn’t looked in the case under the bed. Maybe they’d concentrated on the closet where Kenna found the girl, but that was the worst excuse.

She palmed her phone. “I’m calling it in.”

“I’mdoing it.” He shook his head. “If anyone asks, I found the head.”

“Of course you did.” She folded her arms and waited while he made the call. When he hung up, she showed him the note from the preacher. “What does this number mean to you?”

“That’s the sequence state police uses for case numbers. That one is old.”

“Get me a copy of the file, and I’ll tell whoever shows up that I pulled the case out from under the bed at your instruction. After all, it was your idea to come here.” He would get all the credit, and she would get answers. Whoever’s attention was on her and Forrest, it wouldn’t become a problem for her friend. Kenna would make sure of that.

He stared at her. “You drive a hard bargain.”

It would be good for him to remember this. “I can be your best friend, or your worst nightmare.”

Kobrinsky laughed. “I’m pretty sure your idea of a nightmare doesn’t end with me looking like Mr. Wells here.”

He might be right about that, but she wasn’t going to confirm eitherway.

“Let me get that number, and I’ll run it for you when I get to my computer.” He reached for the paper.

“Type the number in your phone.”

“Text it to me.”

“Are you going to be difficult at every turn?” Kenna eyed him, then hit Send on the text. “Don’t bother answering that. I already know.”

“You’d like my ex-wife. The two of you would get along great.”

“I don’t plan on being in town long enough for that.” She headed out first, and they met a deputy at the door. She thumbed over her shoulder at Kobrinsky. “He found a head.”

The deputy blinked. Geez, the guy was like nineteen.

“Rayland, go get your evidence kit. You should’ve known you would need it.”

Kenna stepped outside, and Deputy Rayland jogged to the patrol car.