Page 136 of Long Road Home

She didn’t have to make lifelong friends everywhere she went. That would get exhausting. She could call Forrest later, make sure everything was all right. If she stuck around, there were several people she’d end up having choice words with.

If Alonzo lost his life, she’d be intruding on the grief of people who’d considered him family for years. She was only an interloper. A latecomer.

Kenna had to think pretty hard to get her legs moving, but she found a rhythm and soon enough they were at the door. Her fingers didn’t want to grab the handle.

“I’ve got it.” Jax opened the door, and she went in.

Her face immediately flushed. Why was it so warm in here?

“Come on.” He nudged her back gently.

Just a pool of blood remained of Alonzo. “Is he…”

“The ambulance is loading them both now.”

As soon as she could see the lobby, she looked for Forrest. She didn’t care that much about Dr. Rayland. What she needed to know was that her friend wasn’t being arrested right now.

The two state police officers had Dr. Rayland in cuffs. And thankfully, she was being quiet.

Kenna’s head pounded. Her wrist was starting to hurt again. Did she need to go to the hospital and get checked out by a doctor?

Forrest flushed. “Kenna…maybe you should catch the ambulance before it leaves.”

That sounded like running, which she definitely didn’t want to do right now. She held out her hand, and Forrest clasped it, immediately tugging Kenna over to a bench seat in the lobby.

“You’re soaked,” her friend said.

Kenna shivered. “Don’t give me back my coat. It’ll be all wet.”

Jax looked at Forrest, and they had some kind of silent communication. He had already laid Stan Tilley on the floor, hands secured with plastic ties behind his back. Breathing slowly. When he woke, they’d be able to get answers about Walker.El Caminante.Who they’d thought was a guy named Parker that she’d met in Mexico briefly.

She had no idea why the guy had latched onto her enough to send a hired killer to…what? Annoy her? Stalk her? Kidnap her?

Kenna’s lips puffed out, and she inhaled deeply.

And shivered again, Tilley’s words flooding her thoughts.

I always wished I was the one who got to kill your daddy.

What he’d said wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. Kenna’s dad would have never rested if his wife had been murdered. He’dhave made it his life’s mission to bring down the people responsible.

There was no way.

“Who is this guy?” The state patrol officer waved at Stan on the floor.

Jax folded his arms. “Federal business you don’t need to worry about.”

The front door opened, and Sheriff Gingrich stepped in. “What have we—” He spotted Dr. Rayland. “She goes with me.”

“Great.” The state patrol officer nodded. “I’ll follow you. Just to make sure it all goes smoothly.”

Jax said, “I’ll bring this guy to your cells. First thing tomorrow, I’ll have an FBI team pick him up for transport back to California.”

“I want to go to California.”

Kenna twisted to look at Forrest. Her head pounded, her muscles hurt, and she had to gasp a breath. “You do?”

“And by the look of things, I’m driving.” Forrest flashed a slight smile. “I’ll get Kenna to the hospital.”