Her leg.
She scrambled to her feet and slid the tiny flashlight-sized stun gun from her boot as she straightened out to standing and faced him.
She wasn’t going to let him get under her skin, or use her past to distract her. Sure, her mother was dead. So was her dad. Just because he was a contract killer didn’t mean there was anything off about how either had died.
She wasn’t going to let him make her lose her cool.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
Stan shook off a bunch of snow and eased up straight. “I had to settle for just killing your mama.”
The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
She had no idea if he had a gun, or where it was. He’d tackled her instead of shooting her. Was he not supposed to kill her? That would certainly work in her favor.
A split second later, she realized she was soaked nearly to her skin. Her gloves were wet, but her fingers were still sort of warm from the hand warmer in there. The cold was like an old familiar friend, however, and thelack of pain had a way of crystalizing her thoughts and her will.
Stan Tilley wasn’t going to get the better of her.
He rushed at her, and she lifted the stun gun. Pressed the button. Jabbed it against his neck, since that was one of the only places she’d find bare skin. It hit the collar of his jacket. He tried to swipe her hand away, but the pain in her wrist was nonexistent thanks to all this cold.
Kenna planted her feet wide enough he wouldn’t knock her down and grabbed him around the ribs with one hand. He battered a fist against her back. She grunted, found skin, and hit the button.
Electricity crackled. Stan’s body jerked, and she could feel the sizzle. Maybe it was hitting her, too, or maybe it wasn’t. She couldn’t quite tell.
She kept a tight hold on Stan until he went limp and passed out. She let him drop to the ground, and stepped back, ready in case he was only faking it. Then she yelled, “Over here! And I need more plastic ties!”
Jax raced over. “Are you okay?”
She shivered. Given the tone of his voice, she wasn’t the only one who worried in this relationship. “Please tell me you didn’t leave Jennifer alone?”
He squeezed her shoulder. “The state police showed up and took custody.”
“Great.” As if she trusted them. “As long as they don’t drag off Forrest as well.”
He tightened the plastic ties on Stan’s hands. “Let’s get him inside then.” Jax glanced at her but said nothing else.
He was worried about her? “I’m fine. Just wet.”
This was it.
“What is ‘it’?”
She frowned. “Huh?”
“You said, “This is it.’”
Oh, she’d said that aloud? “It’s the end. Jennifer. Stan. This is the moment where I could walk away and it’s all done. I can decide if I should say goodbye or just go.” She stared in the direction of the back of the church. “I’ve got everything I came for. If I leave, these people can pick up their lives and continue on. I’ll become a memory.”
“And you won’t have to do any paperwork.”
Kenna tried to laugh, but nothing came out. “My hand hurts.”
“And you’re freezing enough your teeth are chattering.” He hoisted Stan over his shoulder like a firefighter. “Go ahead of me so I know you didn’t fall behind. We’re going inside so you can say goodbye instead of disappearing and becoming a memory.” He sounded disappointed.
What was the big deal?