Hot on the heels of her joy was a wave of grief and longing so strong she had to turn away from the two of them to hide her reaction. Yes, she wanted it. She wanted to get to know Ceecee better. She wanted to spend her days and nights with Calvin. She wanted to be the woman he thought he saw in her.

But she was just Daphne.

Her melancholy thoughts were interrupted by the tapping of a microphone. All eyes turned to Kathy, who wore a dazzling navy gown studded with sequins. She looked like a pillar of dark glitter with spiky blond hair plonked on top to give her a few more inches of height.

“We have a special treat for you today,” Kathy announced. “Would our performers please follow me?”

Ceecee hooked her hand in Daphne’s elbow and vibrated with anticipation. “Have you been practicing?” she whispered.

Daphne tilted her head from side to side. “As much as we’ve been able.”

“Hopefully Calvin doesn’t punch anyone this time.”

“I didn’tpunchyour grandmother, Ceecee.”

Ceecee shot Daphne a mischievous glance, and the crowd parted to let them through. They were joined by other dancers, the ladies dressed in hot-pink ruffles, the men in black with pink ties. Kathy used her powers as lead choreographer to clear the dance floor, which encompassed a third of the room by the French doors that led to the backyard. The pink feathers had already been stashed on the perimeter.

With a squeeze of Daphne’s arm, Ceecee shot across the dance floor to take her place. Calvin’s hand slid down Daphne’s spine in comfort or commiseration or both, and he took his spot on top of a mark on the floor. Across from them, just outside the circle, Jenna Deacon arched her brows at Daphne’s dress, then flicked her gaze to Calvin and smiled.

Daphne tried not to let it bother her. What use was jealousy? She had no claim over Calvin Flint. Sure, they were together now. But would they be together tomorrow?

She was used to being overshadowed by people who were more charming, more beautiful, more spontaneous. Prodding the old wound didn’t feel good, but it was familiar.

She shifted her gaze away from the other woman and focused on Kathy, who stood over them like a drill sergeant assessing the latest batch of new recruits—and finding them lacking. Her hands were clasped behind her back, her eyes were narrowed, and her lips were pinched in a thin, disapproving line.

Some unseen signal passed from Kathy to whoever was manning the stereo. The music started, and Daphne’s feet began to move. There was a slight ache in her injured ankle, but she made it through the turns, the shimmies, and the steps. The gasps and titters of the audience fell away, and all that existed was pink fabric and movement. It was utterly ridiculous and amateurish, and Daphne couldn’t help the smile thatbloomed over her lips. Across the circle from her, Ceecee looked like she was having the time of her life.

Daphne glanced at Calvin, who laughed as they spun and shimmied like their lives depended on it.

She dove for her feather, then turned and tented it over the middle of the dance floor, shoulder to shoulder with Calvin. Ceecee’s face was beaded with sweat as she shook her feather, and the drama of the moment cranked tighter. Behind them, the French doors opened, and two people sneaked inside and crouched under the feathers. The music swelled, a crescendo of crashing cymbals.

Once the music had reached its peak, all the feathers lifted. Eileen and Archie Yarrow stood in the middle of the dance floor as their pink-clad dance troupe circled away to the beat of the music. They smiled at the clapping crowd and then put their arms around each other and began to slow dance.

Daphne leaned against the wall and blew out a harsh breath. Beside her, Calvin dropped his feather and leaned his shoulder against hers. She glanced up to find him watching her, his cheeks flushed, his hair in beautiful disarray.

He smiled at her, wide and bright, and Daphne knew she was in love with him. Pain and pleasure twined around each other as she held his gaze, her breaths heaving, her heart galloping, her mind certain that she could never have him.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

Caught in the storm of her emotions, Daphne didn’t understand what he was talking about. “For what?”

“For being here,” he said. “For being you.”

It should have been the best compliment anyone had ever paid her, but it felt like he’d just punched her in the gut. She hid her reaction by turning toward Harry, who’d stumped her way over to them, leaning heavily on her cane.

“That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen in my life,” she said while Eileen and Archie twirled on the dance floor. “I wish I’d gotten it on tape.”

“Eileen promised to save the recording to torture Ceecee with when she’s a teenager,” Calvin told her. “I’m sure we can get you a copy.”

Daphne forced a laugh, but it came out as a hiccup. Harry narrowed her eyes at Daphne but said nothing. On the dance floor, Eileen and Archie took a bow as the music faded to nothing.

“Eileen and Archie, everyone,” Kathy announced into a microphone. “Ten years of love. Ten years of commitment. Let us all come together and join them in renewing their vows to each other.”

“Have you lost your nerve, girl?” Harry asked quietly as she leaned close to Daphne’s ear.

Daphne shook her head, eyes darting to Calvin, who was staring at his mother in the center of the dance floor. “No.”

“After the ceremony is when we make our move. Meet me by the kitchen when Ryan gives the signal.”