His smile was soft and sweet. “That you are,” he said, then exited his truck and jogged over to her side. The evening was cool, but hints of spring were in the air. Daphne huddled in her jacket and watched where she stepped in her high heels, still slightly unsteady on her ankle. Calvin was there like a pillar at her side, and she let herself lean on him, just this once. They were supposed to pretend to be together, anyway. She might as well enjoy it while it lasted.
They walked up the steps, and Calvin slid his hand to her lower back. His warmth surrounded her as they rang the doorbell and waitedfor the big timber door to open. She wondered how many other moments they’d have like this, how many casual touches they’d be able to exchange under the guise of meaning something to each other?
Daphne straightened. Best not to think about that now. She had a cooking pot to steal. An heirloom to return to its rightful owner.
The door opened. Eileen and Archie Yarrow stood in the opening. Eileen threw her hands out like she wanted to hug Calvin, then pulled back and clasped them at her breast. “You came!” She beamed at them, gaze flitting to Daphne. “Thank you for wearing the dress. Come in. I’ll take your jackets.”
“Thank you,” Daphne said, shaking out her nerves as she shed her outerwear. The house was warm and bright, with music and laughter filling the air. Down the hall, caterers milled through clumps of guests, bearing trays of finger food and flutes of champagne.
Behind them, the doorbell rang again, and Eileen shooed them down the hallway toward the party.
“Just long enough to stay for the ceremony,” Calvin murmured, his hand sliding over her upper back, fingers warm against the bare skin between her shoulder blades.
Daphne smiled at him. “Unless we accidentally have fun.”
“I won’t hold my breath.”
Grinning, Daphne let the sheriff lead her deeper into the home. He was greeted by half a dozen people within moments, and Daphne found herself swept up into small talk and polite smiles as she stood at his elbow. Her gaze darted around the room until she spotted Harry, sitting on a two-seater couch next to Dorothea, the two of them like queens holding court over their subjects. Harry’s eyes slid to Daphne’s, and her chin dipped the slightest bit.
Game on.
“Have you made any headway with the break-ins?” an older woman asked, and Daphne turned her attention back to the conversation.
“It’s an ongoing investigation,” Calvin replied coolly. “I can’t comment on it at the moment.”
“Oh, come on, Sheriff. Give us a little hint.” The woman winked at him, swatting his arm.
He flashed a charming grin at her as he said, “You know I can’t, Christine.”
“You’re no fun,” the woman replied, pouting.
“I can say that Daphne has been integral to the investigation. If you’re looking for a diligent and talented accountant, she’s the woman for the job.”
Daphne straightened, glancing at Flint in surprise. The praise sent warmth spreading through her chest. It didn’t sound like the usual dismissive kind of compliment, where people said she was smart as if it were a mark against her. It sounded like he truly believed what he said.
Daphne smiled at the woman. “He has to say that because I’m his date,” Daphne demurred.
Christine laughed. “And we’re all jealous of you for it, dear. Although I’m not jealous of that dress, or the fact that you have to dance in front of us all.”
A warm palm on Daphne’s upper back drew her gaze to Calvin’s, whose eyes were twinkling as he stared down at her. “We were both more than happy to do what we could to make my mother’s event a success,” he said.
Christine hummed. Calvin extricated them from the conversation with ease, but they were soon accosted by another couple, and another, and another. Daphne tried to keep up, but she very much felt out of her element. Then her clutch buzzed, and she excused herself.
A text in a newly formed group chat.We’ve got eyes and ears, people, Ryan wrote.
Yesssssssss, Ellie added. Then, a moment later, she wrote,Daphne, you look like you’re ready to puke or run away or both.
Daphne huffed and slipped her phone back into her bag without answering. Calvin’s gaze found hers. He raised his eyebrows, and she smiled at him. Shuffling back to his side, she did her best to be a good,unobtrusive, unnoticeable date. This was the whole reason they’d struck their silly bargain, after all. She might as well hold up her end of it.
Until someone barreled into her legs. She looked down to see Ceecee’s face enveloped in bright-pink ruffles, her hair pushed back with a headband, her cheeks rosy with excitement. “Daphne,” she whispered as if she were about to impart an important secret, “your dress isamazing.”
Pulling back, Ceecee fluffed the iridescent-pink tiers of her own dress and twirled so the fabric flared out and glittered as it moved. Daphne had to admit, the style looked pretty good on a nine-year-old.
“Don’t know if I’d say ‘amazing,’ but it’s growing on me,” Calvin muttered.
“Like a mushroom,” Daphne confirmed.
When Calvin and Ceecee laughed, Daphne couldn’t help but join them. For a few precious seconds, she felt nothing but happiness. It was right there in the sparkle in Calvin’s gaze and the sound of Ceecee’s snorts. Daphne’s heart sent out a soft whisper that saidDon’t you want this for yourself?