“The Bloom sisters,” he said. “Thankfully we got our shit together for their orders.”
He added a smile to that statement.
He would have done the same for any client, but knowing that Erica had a relationship somewhat with Blossoms, he personally got his ass on the floor and demanded everything be done to perfection and that heads would roll if it wasn’t the case.
Lily had sent him an email a week later thanking him and saying everything was perfect.
Were things perfect at TCN Industries? Nope.
But they were slightly improving.
Attitudes not so much and the fear with his grandfather still out of commission wasn’t helping any.
TC’s recovery wasn’t going as quickly as he hoped from a physical level, but mentally he was stronger daily as long as he was rested.
The fact his grandfather was continuing to ask to see Erica hadn’t been lost on him and they were going to visit tomorrow with his mother there also.
It would be an interesting situation for sure.
“Lily is very easy and fair to work with. She knew the situation and she knows our relationship now, but that would have meant nothing to her. Business has to come first.”
“It always should,” he said. “You’d want it that way.”
“I would and I do. You seem off. Is everything okay? You’re sure you’re fine coming with me to this?”
“I’m totally fine,” he said. “We see each other a lot or talk a lot, but it’s work related. We don’t get as much time together outside of work. I wouldn’t give this up for anything.”
“I don’t want you to feel the pressure that we have to spend time together,” she said. “I understand you’ve got so much going on between work and your grandfather. I’m going to feel bad if I’m adding to your list of stress.”
He turned his head. “Don’t do that,” he said. “I’m a big boy and can make decisions just fine. I want to spend time with you outside of work. I think we need it.”
She angled her head and smiled slowly. “I’m not sure need is a word I’d use, but I’d like it. So, thank you.”
“No reason to thank me.”
“Are you nervous about us visiting your grandfather tomorrow then?” she asked.
He hadn’t realized she was like a dog with a bone fighting off a pack of starving predators. He should have realized it because, thinking back, that was how she worked.
Professional with it, but she always got the job done one way or another.
To get her answers, she’d find other ways to ask her questions.
“A little bit,” he said. “Are you? I think I’m more worried about you going again than me.”
“I’ll be fine,” she said. “I’m good at deflecting and that is what we’ll do. It will be about him and him seeing us together and nothing more.”
He wasn’t sure he wanted that either.
They were dating.
He was pretty sure he was done falling and fully in love with her, but wouldn’t dare say those words.
She was not ready to hear them.
He might not even be anywhere ready to say them.
“I think we just don’t plan it out and see how it goes,” he said. “He could be full of energy that early, or tired out. I can’t predict it.”