“I’m not giving you the details,” she said, feeling her face fill up with heat.
“Did you say it during sex?” Harmony asked, laughing.
“Not during it,” she said. If she didn’t give her sister something, she’d be bugged all night.
And maybe she wanted to talk to someone about it.
She didn’t know if Harmony had ever been in love before, but her sister just loved life in general.
“But after?” Harmony asked.
“Yes,” she said. “He said it first. Last night. And then I said it back. Like an idiot, I fell asleep after.”
Harmony laughed. “Because you were physically and emotionally exhausted. How were you both this morning?”
“Fine,” she said. “Not a problem. We didn’t bring it up and were acting like nothing even happened.”
“And you’re worried about that?” Harmony asked.
“Should I be?”
“No,” Harmony said. “I think with the two of you it’s how you have to be. He said it first and other than saying it back, what was your response?”
“I told him it was about time he said it.”
Her sister laughed. “Then that could be why he didn’t say anything else. It’s obvious that you were afraid to say it first and he’s letting you get used to the idea.”
She wasn’t sure why she didn’t think of that.
“I don’t know if I should ignore it or not?” she said.
“Of course not,” Harmony said. “Never ignore it. Just say it when you feel it.”
“I’m not someone to say it for no reason,” she said. “You know, like when you hang up the phone after you talk.”
“No one would think you were that type of person,” Harmony said. “Listen. You’re doing a great job with your life right now. You really are. Go with your heart. It seems to be doing you well so far.”
“Yeah,” she said. “It does. I’ll help you with dinner and we can talk more about Mom.”
“You can help me with dinner, but we aren’t talking about Mom. I don’t let her bother me anymore. I think it bothers you and Theo more than me. I can let it go. You have to learn to do it too.”
“Might be the best advice I’ve had in years.”
“I’m smarter than you all think I am,” Harmony said.
“Sometimes I think you’re the smartest of all of us.”
“I’m so sorry, Tucker. But there is a woman downstairs in the lobby who won’t leave unless she can see you.”
He lifted his eyebrow at Alice when she came in. “Excuse me?”
“She asked for your father first,” Alice said. There was some hesitation. “She looks a little rough and ready. Is that the wording I want to use? It’s about the most polite thing I can think of.”
His shoulders slumped. “Did you tell her that my father died?”