“I thought I was pretty carefree the first time we had sex,” she said.
“You were. After being coaxed,” he said, laughing. “And I enjoyed it. I enjoy all the time we have together, don’t get me wrong. But I want you to just be you and not think.”
“It’s hard not to think,” she said. “But if there is anyone that turns my mind off, it’s you.”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” he said.
He turned into his driveway and pulled into the garage.
Her heart was racing some over what he said, but she was going to try to accommodate him.
It shouldn’t be hard. She just had to go with what she was feeling and not doubt all her actions.
Sure, easy as limiting herself to one scoop of chocolate ice cream during that time of the month! Not!
“I’m surprised I admitted it to you,” she said. “But it has to be the dial is just hanging on by a thread right now.”
“Even better,” he said.
He parked and they got out. It was close to nine. Not late, but not like Tucker was going to start switching lights on in the house.
She didn’t want him to.
He wanted her to be fun and that was what she was doing.
She grabbed his hand as her sister had done earlier and started to pull him through the house to his bedroom.
She shut the door once they were in there and pushed his back against it, her hands going to his chest and her mouth on his.
“Do you know what I want you to do?” she said, breaking the kiss. Her hips had been pushing against his. Now that she knew she’d done that subconsciously in the past, she paid more attention to it.
“What?” he asked.
“Turn me around and put my back to this wall and we’ll do it that way.”
She couldn’t bring herself to talk dirty. Some things would take time, but she was proud of herself for saying this when in the past she might not have.
He spun her fast and had her hitting the door. Not hard, but not light either.
She pulled his shirt out of his jeans and lifted it over his head, then her hands attacked the button on his jeans.
He pushed her hands aside. “Let’s wait on that,” he said. “You want it right here, we need to get you caught up.”
He was yanking her shirt off fast, her hair lifting up and the clip flying off. She heard it hitting the floor somewhere in his room and told herself she’d worry about the strands that were pulled out of her scalp later.
There were more important things to think about.
Like his large hands undoing her belt quicker than she’d been able to secure it earlier.
Before she knew it, her jeans were undone and because they were baggy, they were just falling down her hips.
She kicked her shoes off and stepped out of her pants at the same time.
He moved away and she knew he was going to get a condom.
“I’m on the pill,” she said. She’d never had sex without a condom before.
She’d never been on birth control either.