She smiled. “I like this me too.”
“I hope everything is okay,” Daisy said when she opened the front door twenty-five minutes later. “Not that Theo and I don’t enjoy the company, but he was a little worried there is a problem when you asked to visit.”
It hadn’t occurred to her that her brother would worry.
“It’s good news,” Harmony said, starting to bop around.
“Are you dating Tucker?” Daisy asked, grabbing her hands and starting to jump up and down also.
She smiled. “Yes,” she said.
Daisy squealed and the excitement in her sister-in-law’s voice had her doing the little jump with it.
Harmony joined in and Theo walked into the room.
“What’s going on?”
“Erica is dating Tucker,” Daisy said.
Her brother rolled his eyes. “Now I can breathe and take my leave. I don’t need to hear my sister’s dating details, but my wife will want them.”
“Bye, Theo,” she said, grinning.
“Isn’t Erica the best version of herself right now?” Harmony asked. “She’s jumping up and down with us and she’s smiling. She’s getting laid too. I’m jealous over that.”
Erica wrapped her arm around her sister. “We’ll find you some guy, right, Daisy?”
“I need to know everything you want to tell me to have you be this funny,” Daisy said.
“Am I really that different?” she asked.
“In the best way possible,” Harmony said.
“Thanks for coming with me to this,” Erica said the following Saturday.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” he said. “And it sounds like your family wants to meet me.”
“Just my brother and Daisy,” she said. “My parents won’t be here. My father is working and my mother wouldn’t come to something like this.”
He lifted his eyebrow up. “Why not?”
“It’s a birthday party for Daisy. Not for Theo. She would come for Theo but not her daughter-in-law, knowing that there won’t be anyone else here but friends and coworkers. Not her type of thing.”
Tucker snorted. He supposed he could understand that somewhat. It did seem to be a generational party at their house.
“Not fancy enough?” he asked, laughing.
“That about sums it up. My father would have still shown up if he could have, but he can’t,” she said. “And the truth is, it will be a fun time without parents here. Even Daisy’s mother wasn’t coming up for her. She lives a few hours away and said that it’s too hard to come up for a night.”
“I don’t know I’ve ever had friends or anyone give me a birthday party before,” he said. Not that he was trying to make anyone feel sorry for him because the last thing he wanted or expected was pity.
He had a privileged life growing up.
Just because his father was a dick, he still had any material thing he wanted. Those he didn’t want too.