“You’re not the one that is about to meet your boyfriend’s mother,” she argued.
Or that Clara Nelay knew about a ruse they were playing on TC and wasn’t exactly happy about it.
Talk about starting off on the wrong foot with a horrible impression.
She couldn’t blame Tucker’s mother either.
“It’s not as if you haven’t met someone’s family before that you were dating,” Harmony said. “What’s the big deal?”
She stopped and looked at her sister. “I just don’t want this to go wrong. There is too much on the line.”
“I don’t understand that comment,” Harmony said. “Do you mean because of work?”
“Yes,” she said. It wasn’t a lie. That was part of it all.
“If you and Tucker have it all worked out on that end, why do you care so much about that?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “I just don’t want him to get any stress from his mother. He has enough on his mind.”
“Do you think his mother isn’t going to like you?” Harmony asked, laughing. “Everyone likes you now that you’re not living in a trash can covered in green fur.”
She rolled her eyes at the Oscar reference.
“Thanks for that,” she said. “But you know what I mean.”
“No,” Harmony said. “I don’t. Tucker is the only person who has ever gotten you this worked up overanythingin life. That has to mean something.”
“It means more than I can explain,” she said.
“Let things just happen as they should,” Harmony said. “Don’t stress. You can handle any situation.”
“Thanks,” she said. “I need the pep talk.”
“Speaking of any situation,” Harmony said. “When are you going to tell Theo, Daisy, Dad and Mom?”
“I don’t have a problem telling Theo and Daisy,” she said. “Not even Dad, but I’d rather wait on Mom.”
“Now you’re sounding like me,” Harmony said, laughing. “But I’m sure Mom will be thrilled. On paper, Tucker is everything she’d pick for you.”
“And his father was everything that Mom would tell us to run from.”
Harmony pouted. “Don’t be that way. Who Tucker’s father was isn’t a reflection on him.”
“I know that,” she said. “But Mom won’t. I don’t need that in my life right now. But once I get past meeting his mother, I’ll see if Theo and Daisy are around this weekend. Maybe we can go visit and I’ll tell them in person. I can call Dad. He’s met Tucker already.”
“Not as your boyfriend,” Harmony said. “But Dad isn’t stupid. He knows you’ve had a crush on Tucker. So did Theo and Daisy. Daisy will be bummed she hadn’t been told before now.”
“I thought for sure you’d say something,” she said. Which would have saved her from the task.
“No,” Harmony said. “That isn’t up to me. That’s your news to share, not mine.”
Her shoulders dropped. “I know. Wish me luck,” she said. “I’m going to walk down now. I think it will help clear my head.”
“Does Clara know you live up the street?” Harmony asked.
“Yes,” she said.
Harmony hugged her. “You look really cute if that helps.”