“Michael and I were talking. He said my grandfather would have never let the business crumble. That he has eyes and ears everywhere and there was a reason senior staff had stayed so long.”
“I believe that,” she said. “Several I talked to didn’t have a lot of nice things to say about your father, but plenty nice about your grandfather and you. They were very hopeful. But after your grandfather had his stroke there are some that are nervous.”
“Interesting,” he said. “I’ll have to talk to Michael and see if I can find out more. I’ll talk with payroll too.”
“Do you really think your grandfather would have people getting paid bonuses through payroll where others could see it?” she asked.
“No,” he said.
But he’d be pissed off if someone was being paid to spy on him. That wouldn’t be tolerated.
“Why are you pacing?” Harmony asked her on Sunday.
She hadn’t seen Tucker since she’d brought him pizza on Thursday. They ate half of it, he locked his house up and drove to his apartment and she went down the road home.
They’d kissed one more time before she’d left and she had to make a decision on her next step.
Erica sharing about her relationship with her sister might not be smart.
She didn’t like the sneaking around, and with Tucker down the road, it’d really feel that way.
“Sit down,” she said. “We need to talk.”
“Are you sick again?” Harmony asked quickly. The panic in her sister’s eyes broke her heart.
Maybe that was part of the reason she held so much in too. She didn’t want to worry her family.
“No,” she said. “I’m dating Tucker.”
“Wow, you just blurted that out as if a water balloon exploded slime all over me. You even took a step back as if you thought you’d get covered.” Harmony was laughing.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to say it that way.”
Her sister grabbed her arm and pulled her to the couch to sit. “Tell me what is going on. I want to know everything and why I’m just finding out now.”
There was no way she was talking about the fake engagement. That was off the table.
She could relay the past few weeks’ events without including that part.
“There isn’t much to tell.”
“There is a lot to tell,” Harmony said. “Start somewhere.”
“You know what happened to his grandfather.”
“Yes. You said he’s home now recovering,” Harmony said.
“He is. He seems to be well. Or as well as expected. I guess things just happened with us. We went to lunch and spent some time together a week ago.”
How had it only been a week ago when it seemed so long?
Too many emotions building so quickly.
“Okay,” Harmony said.