“We can do that,” he said. “You’re not worried about people seeing us?”

“I didn’t realize our dating was a secret,” she said. “Other than you might be nervous if an employee sees us.”

“I’m not too worried about it,” he said. “But we can get takeout and go back to my place if you want.”

“Sure,” she said. “Why don’t we do that?”

“What do you want?” he asked.

“A salad is good. Some protein on it. Chicken or salmon if they’ve got it.”

He moved over to his desk and picked up his phone and started to scroll through a few things, then placed an order.

“This place has a salad with salmon on it. It comes with a house dressing.”

“That’s fine,” she said.

“All set. It will be ready in twenty minutes,” he said. “It’s on my route home, so I’ll just get it on the way.”

“You are ten minutes from here,” she said. “And locking up and leaving.”

“Which takes five minutes. Come kiss me before that.”

“Maybe,” she said.

“No maybes,” he said, pulling her close.

His lips landed on hers. Not a sweet kiss either. But one more like the dream she’d had last night.

“You’re really good at that,” she said.

He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Glad to know you think that. Maybe I’m trying to soften you up for the blow I’m going to get tonight with the summary of last week’s interviews.”

She laughed. “Not horrible. The ones today were worse, but that won’t be part of tonight’s summary.”

He laughed. “I expect everything I hear.”

“I’ve learned not to expect much anymore,” she said.

He frowned at her, but didn’t ask her to explain it.

It was good because she wasn’t sure she had one to give him.

That fear she talked about earlier.

She had it again, but this time it wasn’t work or health but that things might not work out between them.



“Welcome to my home,” Tucker said, opening the door three days later. “What there is to it.”

Erica laughed and carried the pizza in. “I thought you could have dinner here your first night. Even if you aren’t staying the night.”

“No place to stay other than the couch in the basement. I’d like to think I’ve outgrown the sleeping on a couch days.”

“Please,” she said. “How many couches have you slept on?”