He pulled out his grandfather’s laptop, signed on, then logged onto the bank account and looked at the checkbook.
Everything appeared to be fine. He had complete trust in Michael, but it never hurt to look things over. His grandfather had instilled that into him.
He texted Erica quickly and asked if they could push their meeting off a few hours, that he wanted to meet with the nurse.
He imagined she was busy interviewing more of the plant workers and he’d get a response later.
“Everything okay in there?” Michael asked.
“Pristine as always,” he said. “I’m going to get my laptop and get some work done until the nurse is here.”
He went out to his car and retrieved it and sat in the living room for an hour.
When the nurse showed up, he walked her around the house, even though he knew Michael could do it. But he was the grandson and the only living family member.
The nurse had his number and would give him updates, but he also said to keep Michael informed too.
When he felt comfortable enough, he left and went to see Erica.
No, work. He had to think of it that way.
If he started to put her before his obligations, he might not be much different than his father in some people’s eyes.
There was no reason to have her blood pressure rising.
Just because she’d been making out with the boss two days ago didn’t mean anything.
It’s not like she was an employee of Tucker’s.
That was wrong. She kind of was.
He was the one she had a contract with.
The one who paid her fees.
The one she was falling for and wondered how crazy she had to be.
At the end of the day, she’d taken a deep breath and knocked on his door. “Hi,” she said. “Is now a good time?”
“Perfect,” he said. “Come in.”
She walked in and shut the door behind her. “How is your grandfather doing? I didn’t expect you to come in today.”
“He’s all settled. I’ve met with the nurse on duty today. I’ll stop over on my way home to meet the one covering tonight. Michael has everything under control.”
“You’re lucky to have him,” she said.
“Very. Come here,” he said.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because you look nervous and I’m not sure why and maybe I need a hug.”
She smiled at the adorable grin on his face. That little comment was enough to almost have her shaking her arms out again.