“Not as surprised as I was to see your consulting business close by. Looks like we’ve both got a story to tell about the changes in our lives.”

“You’re not paying me to tell stories,” she said.

All business as he remembered. “Humor me,” he said. “Consider it some background because the last time I workedwith you it was over an acquisition. Now you’re a consultant doing all types of services.”

He had no idea about her experience for what he needed, but he remembered how well she did her job during the acquisition.

From negotiating the deal to transiting key management positions all the way down to the front-line workers.

“A few months ago I decided to branch out and be my own boss,” she said. “I have several years of experience as was listed on my website. We’ve worked together so you’re aware of how I conduct myself.”

“I am. When I asked my assistant to find some consulting firms for employment issues in the area, your name landed on my desk.”

It wasn’t an uncommon name, but one he’d never forget, and he did a little digging to see if it was the same person.

He stopped looking after that and would pay anything to get her here.

“I have some family ties in this area,” she said. “I relocated but can travel when needed the same as I was doing at my last job. Luckily, this isn’t more than a thirty-minute drive.”

“I’m glad,” he said.

“As for what you said you’re looking for. I’ve got a lot of experience in dealing with disgruntled staff. I’ve done a little research on your company and you’ve supplied me with the changes that have been going on. Once we get to a good starting point, I’ll meet with staff and let you know the questions in the interviews I’ll be conducting.”

“Loosen up, Erica,” he said. “Your shoulders are tenser than your cheeks.”

“Excuse me?” she asked.

He was taking a risk, but he wanted the woman back that he worked with last time. The one he’d spent months getting to open up to him.

No risk, no reward.

“Considering my mouth has been on yours, I’d say we can stop being so formal, don’t you think?”



So much for trying to play this off and move on from the past.

It wasnotgoing as well as she’d hoped.

Not sure why she thought Tucker could just forget everything that happened when the last time they worked together they had the start of a little flirting.

Maybe she’d been hoping it would have turned into more when their contract was over, but then...you know, out she went on the table giving herself a pair of black eyes from her nose smashing down.

“Maybe,” she said. “But you’ve got an employment contract with me, and we have to honor that.”

He laughed. “What makes you think I wouldn’t do that? You know what I’m like to work with. I thought we got along well before.”

“We did,” she said.

“But then you passed out,” he said. “You’re the one that can’t seem to get past it. Me, I stopped having nightmares last week that you didn’t recover. So if you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to the way things were before. Maybe you could do that for me?”

If he hadn’t said he was having nightmares or asked her if they could move on nicely, she might have just brushed it off.

But theyhadworked together before.

Shedidknow what he was like.