“But no one knows,” he said. “I should tell you about my father some when it comes to women in my life. I know you’re curious after my grandfather made that comment.”

“You can tell me what you choose to,” she said. “I’m not going to push.”

“I know,” he said. “I appreciate that. Let’s just say my father thought he was a lady’s man. He would hit on anyone I was dating. Even in high school.”

“That’s creepy.”

“Which is why I didn’t spend very much time with him and tried never to bring any girl there. It was embarrassing and disgusting.”

“I would be so uncomfortable. I saw your face when your grandfather wanted me to kiss his cheek. You weren’t bothered by that.”

“No,” he said. “My grandfather is one of the most upstanding people I know. And right now he truly is confused.”

“Did you have a dog?” she asked.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “Never. No pets. I think he had a dog named that, but I wasn’t going to argue with him.”

“What about your house?” she asked. “Was that the right street or is he confused there?”

“That’s actually where I’m buying my house, why?”

She started to laugh. “Wow,” she said. “So...you’re going to be my neighbor. Sort of.”

“What?” he asked.

“I live on that street. My father’s house. You’re about five or six houses past it. I don’t leave the street that way or ever drive in that direction. I had no idea there was a house for sale there. They are spaced pretty far apart too.”

He smiled. “So I could sneak down to see you?”

“And meet my sister?” she asked, lifting an eyebrow.

“Is us going on a date a secret from your sister?” he asked. “I thought you said they knew you found me attractive.”

“Bacon,” she said. “I might as well tell you the truth. When Harmony meets you, she’s going to bring it up.”

“Bacon?” he asked. “What does that mean?”

Was he some kind of a piece of meat? He was not sure he’d ever been referred to that way and sure the hell never expected Erica to be the one to do it.

“What happens when you cook bacon? The sound it makes?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” he said. “I don’t cook a lot of bacon.”

She rolled her eyes playfully and he noticed her face start to flush. “It sizzles. Then sometimes it smokes. It’s this joke Harmony has rather than saying someone is smoking hot. Or sizzling. She just says bacon. I know what it means.”

“You called me bacon?” he asked, laughing. “Holy shit. Conservative Erica James thinks I’m a piece of bacon.” He was rubbing his knuckles on his chest. “I’m flattered.”

She swatted at his arm. Another side of her he hadn’t seen before. “Stop embarrassing me. Now you know why it was so hard to see you again.”

“But we are past that, right?”

“We are,” she said.

“And you didn’t answer me on if what we’ve got is a secret.”

“The engagement is,” she said. She pulled the ring off then and put it in her purse. Nothing he could say about it. It was what it was.

“Got it,” he said.