“I know Lily Wolfe personally. Not super close but kind of. Depends on the way you look at it.”

“I don’t want you to feel as if you’re confessing things to me that you shouldn’t, but if it will help my business, that is what I’m paying you for.”

He didn’t want to sound like an ass but knew he’d appeal to her that way.

“My sister-in-law, Daisy, works for Blossoms. She is Rose’s right-hand person in the jewelry department. Over the weekend,we had a little family gathering. It came up that Rose was frustrated that they weren’t getting their supplies on time. My sister, Harmony, does help me with work for my business, but she has her own business and one of her clients is Blossoms too.”

“There is the conflict,” he said. “And Daisy knew you were working with me?”

Her face flushed again. “Sort of,” she said. “It’s complicated, but please, it has nothing to do with business.”

“Meaning it’s personal?” he asked, confused.

She sighed. “This is embarrassing,” she said.

“It’s just the two of us. I’ve told you before not to be embarrassed.”

“They know you were the one that I was with when I passed out,” she said.

“Okay,” he said.

“Maybe I’ve said a few more personal things to them and your name came up that way. But please, not bad. I would never do or say anything to hurt your business or my reputation.”

He started to laugh. “Did it come up that we had been planning on getting a drink together before you blew me off?”

It was the first time he’d brought it up.

Maybe it was the time.

When her face turned almost as red as it’d been before she passed out, he jumped up and moved toward her quickly in a panic.

“I’m fine,” she said, putting her hand up. “I’m not going to pass out. I promise. Oh my God. This is horrible.”

He walked back to sit down while he took a few deep calming breaths. “Sorry if I overreacted.”

“No,” she said. She rubbed her hands on her face. “None of this is working out the way I thought it would.”

“Stop trying to plan it,” he said. “I thought we had a good working relationship before. Maybe we would have had more.”

“I don’t know,” she said.

“I think you do. I’m not going to pressure you, but I’ve brought up things from the past trying to see where your head is at. Let’s put work aside for now. You’re professional enough for us both to not worry about anything being affected work wise.”

“Thank you for that,” she said.

“So focus on the personal. Tell me what is going on with your family and this conflict so I understand that part and we can get it off the table.”

“That is where the professional part gets messy.”

He debated for a second. “Erica. Do you think I’m attractive? A yes or no answer is fine.”

“Yes,” she said.

“Is that what came up with my name?” he asked, smiling.

“You’re so cocky,” she said quickly. The humor in her eyes had his grin widening.

“There it is again,” he said. “The smile I’ve been trying to get. Come on, be honest with me for a few minutes.”