He sat back while she went over everything.
“Nothing I didn’t expect to hear,” he said when she was done. “Could be worse.”
“You knew morale was bad,” she said. “That is part of why you hired me.”
“It is,” he said. “Some of my senior-level managers have been very helpful in the past week. If I can continue to get them on board it will filter down. Fingers crossed.”
He held his hands up and crossed as many fingers as he could, looking like an idiot.
Erica laughed and that was all he wanted to accomplish.
Her navy pantsuit was more professional than she’d worn last week, but it was a little chillier out today too.
He wanted to look down and see what shoes she had on her feet but restrained himself.
When his phone rang on his desk, he ignored it.
But a second later, there was a knock.
He shouted to come in.
Alice popped her head around. “I’m so sorry to bother you. I really wouldn’t, but it’s Lily Wolfe on the phone. Joel sent her to me to get you. He wouldn’t do that unless he was concerned and since they are one of our biggest clients...”
“I’ll take it,” he said.
“I can leave if you’d like,” Erica said.
“No,” he said. “Stay.” He picked up the phone. “Hi, Lily. Tucker Nelay. How may I help you?”
“I’m sorry to bother you,” Lily said. “I was talking to Joel. I don’t normally go to him, but was passed there too.” There was a laugh on the end but not a funny one. “I almost feel as if no one wants to give me the time.”
“Nonsense,” he said. “I’m going to assume there is an issue.”
“There is,” Lily said. “The past few orders haven’t been fulfilled completely and those items that came, many had issues and had to be returned. Going into the holidays, I can’t afford to not have bottles and jars for the lotions and candles.”
“I understand. We’ve had staffing issues, which I’m sure you can understand, but that isn’t really your concern either. But in the past week, things have improved and orders are pumpingout faster. I hadn’t been aware quality was an issue, but that will be addressed immediately.”
“I’d appreciate it. I’d love to continue to keep our business relationship. It’s beneficial for us both to stay local for the community growth.”
“One hundred percent.”
He heard the underlying threat there and couldn’t afford to have this loss on top of everything else.
“I know you’re going through a transition of sorts,” Lily said.
“We are. But it’s no excuse. I will personally ensure all your outstanding orders are filled and caught up by the end of this week.”
Lily laughed softly. “That would be wonderful; however, I do know we put orders in weekly, so just a normal turnaround time is good enough for me.”
“I’ll make it right,” he said.
“Thank you,” Lily said and hung up.
He looked at Erica. “One more issue. Didn’t know quality was a problem. Now I’ve got clients on my ass. I’ll have to address this with Joel and why it kept getting pushed up.” Her head went back and forth as if she was biting her tongue. “Say what is on your mind.”
“I’m weighing it as if it’s a conflict or not.”
He lifted an eyebrow. “A conflict how?”