She turned the burner off. “It can wait. It’s only leftover sauce and meatballs that Harmony made last week.”

She’d grabbed a container out of the freezer on her way here to make something quickly.

When they got to Tucker’s room, he took his shirt off without being asked and flopped on the bed.

She laughed and moved over to straddle his hips, her hands going to his shoulders and starting to knead the muscles.

“That feels good,” he said.

“You’re really tight,” she said. “Maybe you should schedule a massage professionally. I doubt what I’m going to do will help much.”

“Just being with you is helping,” he said. “More than you can imagine. This is a bonus.”

She smiled. “I can give you a bigger bonus when I’m done.”

He made a noise on the pillow that sounded like a laugh. “I won’t fight you off if you wanted to.”

Erica found she wanted to do a lot more with Tucker than she ever had with another man before.

She continued to rub his shoulders and back for about ten minutes until her fingers were getting sore.

“This is hard work,” she said. “I’m not sure how people do this all day long.”

He started to turn and it knocked her off his hips and to the side of the bed.

Before she could right herself, he was on top of her, his mouth landing on her lips and kissing her softly.

“I could do it back to you,” he said.

“I’m not much of a massage person,” she said. “But there are other things you can do for me if you want.”

Her shirt was lifted up and over her head before she had a chance to say another word.

She reached behind to unlatch her bra and toss it aside.

He was going after the button on her jeans and removing her clothing, then standing up and ditching the rest of his.

She inched up on the bed by the pillows and he climbed on but flopped onto his back again next to her.

She turned her head. “Are you waiting for me to do all the work?”

“You started the massage,” he said. “I thought maybe you might want to do the front.”

She laughed and got on her knees, then started to rub his chest as she had his back, then his stomach. “Are you ticklish?”

His stomach was sucking in every time she ran her fingers over his taut skin.

Rather than make him squirm for that, she moved down and started to massage his thighs, her hands inching up toward his groin and then back down.

Teasing him the way he always teased her.

“I didn’t think I was ticklish before, but you aren’t letting me relax and lie still either.”

“I’m not about to start,” she said.

It was the only warning she gave before she lowered her mouth and covered his dick with her lips.

He all but shot off the bed. It’s not that she hadn’t played with him before, but she realized that this was the first time she’d tasted him.