There were enough openings that it could be spun that way. Erica’s suggestion on top of it.

She had been good for him in so many ways.

He was only concerned with one way and told himself that he couldn’t put the business second. It’s not how he operated.

But he didn’t want her second either and was struggling with that.

She hadn’t even said she loved him again since the first time days ago.

Not that he expected her to be one of those people who said it all the time, but she had told him it was about time he said it to her.

He wasn’t sure if he was coming or going half the time now.

“Sounds like you’ve got it under control,” his grandfather said. “Don’t stress too much about this mess with your father.”

“What if she is pregnant with Dad’s kid?” he asked.

As much as he hated his father, he wasn’t so sure he could be cold enough to just push off the fact he had a half sibling out there.

“Cross that bridge when you get to it. Women like that most likely don’t even want the child and just want a payday out of it. It’s happened to your father before.”

“She’s saying she’s four months along. Time is running out if that is her plan,” he said.

“But she is going through men trying to get someone to give her the money,” her grandfather said. “That might have taken time. Do you have her information?”

“No,” he said. “She didn’t give me anything other than her name. If that’s even her name.”

“Then deal with anything else you’ve got to when the time comes.”

“Guess I don’t have much of a choice.”

“We all have choices in life, Tucker,” his grandfather said. “It’s making decisions on the important ones.”

He knew what his grandfather was saying but decided to pretend he didn’t and left.



“You’re kidding me,” Erica said on Friday night at Tucker’s house.

She’d gotten home late last night with Harmony and then started working right away this morning.

She had a lot of things lined up and loved how busy she was.

She wasn’t even stressed trying to manage it all. That was the least of her worries.

“Afraid not,” Tucker said.

“Why are you telling me now?” she asked. “You could have called me on Tuesday when you found out.”

“You were working. I didn’t want to bother you with it.”

She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. If they loved each other, wouldn’t they share those things?

“You could have,” she said. “Instead you’ve had to worry about it for days.”

“Not much to worry about at this point,” he said. “I haven’t heard anything back from her. Not sure if she was trying to get money out of my father and thought I’d fall for it. I’m not him. My guess is my father might have just bought people off before and never thought twice of it.”