“Everyone should be so lucky to have that relationship with a sibling.”
“Yes, they should,” Harmony said, coming down the stairs. “I didn’t know you were having a meeting this morning with a sexy man. I would have dressed better.”
Harmony had a pair of black leggings on and a big baggy oversized T-shirt with a grizzly bear on the front lifting his paw up as if he was giving the finger.
“It was a last-minute thing,” Tucker said.
He’d texted her late last night to do it.
“But I got up early and made muffins. Help yourself,” Erica said.
“I wasn’t going to ask,” Harmony said. “And I overslept but have a call in twenty minutes so this will help. I’ll get out of your way.”
Her sister made a cup of coffee while she started to break pieces of her muffin off and nibble on it, then all but ran out of the room and up the stairs to her office.
“Is that how you two normally work together from home?”
“Sometimes,” she said. “We aren’t always home at the same time. She’s on the road a lot more now or locked in her office doing video calls.”
“Do you think she has time to do some things for me?” he asked.
“Like what?” she asked.
“My website should be overhauled. Not sure if she does that.”
“She does. She’s very talented with web design,” she said. Harmony was self-taught there and she was proud of her sister for her ability to learn and expand her knowledge and services.
“Great,” he said. “But she has a call.”
“Give me a minute to grab her if you want. Just to touch base.” She stood up and walked up the stairs, knocked on her sister’s office door, and popped her head in. “Do you have aminute to talk to Tucker? He wanted to ask you a few things about work.”
“Like work for him?” Harmony asked.
“Yes. Web design to start and then I’ll leave it to you for more.”
“Sweet,” Harmony said and ran past her and down the stairs. “Erica said you need some work done?”
“I do,” he said. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested. I could have asked your sister to give me some more information, but it’s your business.”
She found that nice and professional of Tucker to do that. To not just rely on the information being passed back and forth.
Harmony deserved the respect of a business owner too. Even if she looked more like a college kid today.
“I can send you everything I’ve got,” Harmony said.
Tucker stood up, pulled his wallet out and then handed over a business card. “Email it to me, if you will, and then we’ll talk some more. I know you’ve got a call.”
“I do,” Harmony said. “Thanks.”
Her sister ran back upstairs. “That was nice of you. I’m sure there are a lot of people you could call for that.”
“Alice could find me all sorts of people, but that isn’t what I want. I’d rather give someone else a chance at it. Someone I know who will work hard because they’ve got something to prove. Maybe like their older sister.”
“She won’t let you down,” she said.
“Again, like her older sister.”
“Aren’t you just full of compliments,” she said, starting to feel slightly uncomfortable about the change in his tone. He was getting almost tender and romantic and she wasn’t used to that from him. Or from any guy she’d dated.