He had no choice but to believe his grandfather since he knew things were being done as he instructed.
He still respected his grandfather and his current health situation and wouldn’t do anything to work the older man up even if he wanted to.
It’s not like he was hiding anything from his grandfather...on a work end.
And he knew his grandfather would never walk away. So that just proved how messed up he was over a lot of things to think that might have been happening.
“They shouldn’t be bothering you while you are recovering,” he said. “I’m not sure I like that.”
“They aren’t,” his grandfather said. “They have been reporting to Michael who uses his discretion on what to tell me. And nothing has been bad. It’s all good, which was nice to hear. But I knew that anyway.”
His head went back and forth.
His grandfather was trying to make amends in his way.
“I think you wanted me to know so I’m not searching and trying to figure it out on my own and taking it out on them,” he said.
“That is part of it,” his grandfather said, smirking. “You don’t need to waste your time or resources on it when I can tell you upfront. Don’t blame them.”
“It’s something you should have said before and not now. Am I supposed to keep this a secret when I talk to them?” he asked. He was playing it in his head right now. He didn’t want them to know he knew, as it could work in his favor in the future.
“I think that is for the best,” his grandfather said. “They are both very loyal to me and they will be to you.”
“In time,” he said.
“No one will be that loyal right away. You are smart enough to know that.”
“They seem to be so far and I’ll just have to take your word on it,” he said. “How are you feeling right now? You seem tired.” He’d rather not talk about work again while he wrapped his head around this.
“I’m fine,” his grandfather said. “The therapist worked me hard today, but I napped. I hate feeling as if I can’t get up and go when I want.”
He smiled. That sounded like his grandfather. “You’ll get back there. But you have to understand it might be with limitations. You can’t fight what might not get fixed.”
His grandfather picked his left hand up and tried to make a fist and wasn’t able to.
“I’m not willing to accept that right now,” his grandfather said. “It’s too soon. But if I have to focus on one or the other, it’s moving around with my legs.”
“Good,” he said. “Fight for everything for now, but be open-minded.”
“I’d like to think I’ve lived my life that way. You should too.”
He wouldn’t address that. Considering everything that had happened in the past few months, he thought he was more open-minded than most.
“If that is all we need to talk about work-wise, then I’ll let you get some rest.”
He stood up. “Sit back down,” his grandfather said firmly. “Work is over, but your personal life isn’t.”
He sat only because he wasn’t sure what this was about. “I’d like to think my personal life is just fine. Not sure what you’re talking about.”
“This sham with Erica,” his grandfather said.
“What?” he asked. “There is no sham with Erica.”
“Oh, I think you’re sleeping together. That much is clear. I even think you might be falling for her more than she is for you. I can see it in your eyes. I can see the uncertainty too. Or the fear that you aren’t sure what is going on with her. But what I don’t see is a woman confidently wearing an engagement ring. Or one that is real.”
“I think you’re confused,” he said. There was no way his grandfather could have figured this out so he was standing firm that his grandfather was wrong.
Though he had noticed that Erica was fidgeting with the ring more than normal and he wasn’t sure why.